Orange County NC Website
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She represents the Simpson Ef|andheirs. <br />She said that the heirs want h0make sure that 2D issue iG addressed OD one Of the properties <br />(7Q.23@cr88), north Of|-85 and |-4O. There isGhuge watershed area 8t the bottom of this tract Of <br />land, and this was put there when the Seven Mile Creek Reservoir was planned. Since this isnot <br />being planned anymore, the request is that this be removed or addressed in the comprehensive <br />plan. She made reference b] the letter written tn her bVthe heirs and submitted to the County <br />Commissioners and the Planning Board. <br />Renee Price is from Hillsborough and is on the Historic Preservation Commission. She <br />said that the Commission had two goals, and one got into @Oover-arching goal, and she ig <br />concerned about this. She proposes going back botwo goals. She said that there iGmajority <br />support Ofthis from the HPC. although there was no-vote on it. The goals are: preservation Ofthe <br />architectural and archaeological resources of Orange County and their associated and <br />landscapes; and awareness and appreciation ofB diverse historical and cultural heritage Of <br />Orange County. <br />Allen Rosen lives iO Chapel Hill Township. HeisgDlenOberOf -[heViUageP 'eCt8Sw8U <br />as a member of the recently formed coalition that is paying a lot of attention to the Comprehensive <br />Planning process. He thanked the County Commissioners for the forethought in moving towards <br />the comprehensive process and planning for all eight elements simultaneously. He thanked the <br />Planning Board and advisory boards for this substantial undertaking. He said that the VVeb8it8has <br />been an invaluable aid. He thinks that the recommendation, to not adopt the draft goals at this <br />Stage' is very admirable. He thinks that there is o lot of r000O for improvement, refinement, and <br />possibly some addition bo the draft goals. H8 said that the Coalition includes members from the <br />Inter-Faith Council and En1FzO8/EF|DleOt, Inc. Tonight, there are also people from Community <br />Action Network, Chapel Hil|/Ca[rbonJ Chamber [f Commerce, The Village Project, HO0ebUi|denG <br />Association Of[)Urh@Dl/C}F8Oge/Ch8th8Dl C:OUOtieG' and Walkable Hillsborough. He thinks that <br />value can been added to the process by encouraging individuals and groups to be involved. He <br />distributed 3 copy Ofthe Coalition statement. He said that the Coalition believes that the <br />Comprehensive P|@D Update ShOU|d determine where new compact, VVm|k@b|e, OOiXfd Use' transit <br />supported growth and development should occur within the planning jurisdiction. <br />Ben Lloyd lives iDEf|2Dd. He spoke about the issues Of economic development inthe <br />Comprehensive Plan. H8 said that iD December Of1982he served OO the Board OfCounty <br />CODOrOiGGiOn8[G. When Ken Thompson arrived in town (where?) in 1981, there was not enough <br />money to pay the bills from July to December, when the tax money came in. He said that Ken <br />Thompson created an 11 -point plan, which was nothing more than robbing Peter to pay p@U|. He <br />said that in 1983 when he served on the Board of County Commissioners, the County was still <br />short of money tD provide needs. /# this time, he contacted the North Carolina Department of <br />COnO0Oe[Ce' and three people visited with him. He took the representatives around the County, <br />and he was told that with US7O/|-8b/@oUthe[D Railway corridor through Orange County, that this <br />was the most potential area iOthe State for good, clean, low-water using, OOO-pO||UtiOg.high- <br />paying economic growth that would provide both jobs and money for Orange County. He was <br />also told that due to the |@Ck of interest in cooperation from Orange County in the 15 years prior to <br />that, when �conoDlicdevelopment interests came to |�a|eigh.that [>F8Oge(�OUOh/ VV@8NO@Fkedoff <br />the list. He said that less than 90 days ago' h8 spoke with 8O individual iDVO|Ved in economic <br />development in the State, who has been working in this position for about a year. When this <br />individual took this job, h8 was told by his superiors not tOwaste his time in Orange County <br />because they dO not want anything there. He said that after four years since the Economic <br />Development Commission was created, there has not been one brick laid within this economic <br />