Orange County NC Website
58 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 53 Ashley Moncado:Temporary is not defined by state statute so it could be a week, a year. It's not allowed to be <br /> 54 placed on a permanent foundation, it is to remain on its trailer so it can be pulled back out. <br /> 55 <br /> 56 Patricia Roberts:What about hooking up the septic? <br /> 57 <br /> 58 Ashley Moncado:You'd have to go through environmental health approval so they would be reviewed by Orange <br /> 59 County Environmental Health. If they don't have the capacity to add that, because it's considered an extra bedroom, <br /> 60 they will have to address that. <br /> 61 <br /> 62 Patricia Roberts: So there's not that many places in the County where you can put one of these. <br /> 63 <br /> 64 Tony Blake:Well, if you have a 5-acre lot. <br /> 65 <br /> 66 Laura Nicholson: I noticed that you changed a lot of the things, but I still see the one person as the occupant <br /> 67 requirement.Was there any wiggle room there to allow? I'm just looking at the table and still seeing one. <br /> 68 <br /> 69 Ashley Moncado:Yes, the table is only referencing temporary health care structure standards. But, if you look at the <br /> 70 actual amendments, we are allowing up to five unrelated to live in a single family dwelling unit and up to two people <br /> 71 to live with a temporary custodial care unit. <br /> 72 <br /> 73 Paul Guthrie: How are you defining family? <br /> 74 <br /> 75 Ashley Moncado:Well,we have to actual definition on page 47 of your packets and it's exactly as we've had it <br /> 76 previously, the only thing that we're changing is a minor grammar error as well as increasing it from three to five. <br /> 77 <br /> 78 Paul Guthrie:The reason I ask the question is, the definition of a family has changed radically.And the only time <br /> 79 when the question comes up is when somebody's unhappy about it being permitted and one of the things you would <br /> 80 certify is that it meets this definition; and how do you prove a family?What are the standards of a family? <br /> 81 <br /> 82 Ashley Moncado: I think it's outlined pretty well in the definition of what we're defining a family as and that's <br /> 83 something that as it's brought to our attention. <br /> 84 <br /> 85 Paul Guthrie:Well, let me give you an example, two individuals live together and each individual, one has two <br /> 86 children and one has three children.There is no, in my mind, legal definition, of that being a family under the law.Are <br /> 87 they able to have a unit brought in for mom when she comes in from one of the mothers from one of the partners? <br /> 88 <br /> 89 Ashley Moncado:Are you talking about the actual family definition of what we're talking about five unrelated people <br /> 90 or are you talking about the temporary health care structure-because there's no relationship requirement with that <br /> 91 anymore. <br /> 92 <br /> 93 Paul Guthrie: I'm talking about that in the context of this whole. <br /> 94 <br /> 95 Ashley Moncado: So the temporary custodial care unit, there's no relationship requirement. <br /> 96 <br /> 97 Paul Guthrie: So the original house does not have to related to the individual at all? <br /> 98 <br /> 99 Ashley Moncado: No, that's been removed. <br /> 100 <br /> 101 Paul Guthrie: Okay. So,why are we defining a family as five? <br /> 102 <br /> 103 Ashley Moncado: Because we have other issues regarding how many people are living within one single family <br /> 104 home, or a unit.Which this, the family definition is being changed because that was an issue that was brought by the <br /> 105 commissioners.They didn't like that it was limited to three, they wanted to see it increased. So, to me, it sounds like <br /> 2 <br />