Orange County NC Website
<br />1 ~ } Invest in technology to increase worker efficiencies, e.g., web <br />streaming, paperless agendas, integrating tracking systems between <br />field and office ~Gaal 4, 4 votes} <br />~ 2}Implement County's environmental responsibility goals Goal a, 4 <br />votes} <br />~3}Plan to provide `equitable' library services for C]range County <br />residents Coal 6, 4 votes} <br />~4~Fulf II remainder of bond issuance approved by voters in 244 for <br />soccer and Twin Creeks Goal ~, 4 votes} <br />15)Complete stewardship and management plans for Lands Legacy <br />(Goal 5, 3 votes) <br />~ 6} Develop an accounting and assessment system of water and air <br />pollution: ~a} In conjunction with IC.EI; Set emissions reduction <br />target far 243x; Conduct public education campaign and link public <br />with opportunities to improve energy efficiency and use sustainable <br />energy sources; fib} begin multi-year implementation of t7bservable <br />well Network Goal 5, 2 votes} <br />~?'}Review the Schaals Adequate Public Facilities Grdinance: ~a} Is it <br />doing what itwas originally intended? fib} Does it have application <br />for Durham and Mebane? Goal ~, 2 votes} <br />~ 8}Address inequities between old and new schavls. CJlder schools are <br />in need of capital improvements. wilding new schavls has been the <br />funding priority ~Gval 6, ~ voted <br />~ 9}Relations with UNC-Chapel Hill: ~e actively involved and informed <br />about UNC-CH decisions and intentions .Goal 3, 4 vote} <br />24}Support transit, pedestrian, and bicycle facilities and other <br />alternatives to the single passenger automobile Goal 3, 4 vote} <br />2~ }Amend County zoning to address and modernize airport and related <br />issues ~Gval 3, 4 vote} <br />22}Review and update County personnel ~ordinance~ and operational <br />policies and procedures. Goal 4, 4 vote} <br />23}Design and fund space for County Attorney Gffice. Manager and <br />~t~CC to discuss concept and staffing Goal 4, 4 vote} <br />