Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> 1 address the needs. She suggested that Tom Heavner may be able to reach out to other <br /> 2 developers. <br /> 3 Tom Heavner said he has tried to start these conversations, to little success. <br /> 4 Tom Heavner said most areas in the rural buffer, especially those in the CHCCS, are <br /> 5 very expensive, and do not jive with the goals of affordability. <br /> 6 Chair McKee referred to the minutes from the June 3rd Planning Board meeting, noting it <br /> 7 mentioned a water source for fire services. He read the excerpt to which he was referring, and <br /> 8 asked if there is a reason that a standpipe would not be a good idea. <br /> 9 Patrick Mallett said various fire departments have different preferences on equipment <br /> 10 used for their water source. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> 13 approve the Preliminary Plat as submitted and the Resolution of Approval contained in <br /> 14 Attachment 7. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 17 <br /> 18 8. Reports <br /> 19 <br /> 20 a. FY2015-16 First Quarter General Fund and Enterprise Funds Financial Report <br /> 21 The Board considered receiving a First Quarter General Fund and Enterprise Funds <br /> 22 Summary Financial Report for the period of July 1, 2015 through September 30, 2015, and <br /> 23 providing staff with feedback. <br /> 24 Bonnie Hammersley said Financial Services Director Gary Donaldson will present the <br /> 25 first quarterly report for FY 2015-16. She said the second quarter report will be brought to the <br /> 26 Board in early February. <br /> 27 Gary Donaldson presented the following Power Point presentation: <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Orange County, NC <br /> 30 Department of Finance and Administrative Services <br /> 31 FY 2015-16 First Quarter Financial Report <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Quarterly Financial Report Contents <br /> 34 General Fund Revenues and Expenditures Analysis by Major Revenue Categories and each <br /> 35 Department by Functional Leadership Team <br /> 36 • 5-Page Narrative explaining Major variances (1St Abstract Attachment) <br /> 37 ➢ Narrative delineating any material variance by either Performance or Timing <br /> 38 • Detailed Comparison of FY2015-16 Budget versus Actual and FY2014-15 Budget versus <br /> 39 Actual Table (2nd Abstract Attachment) <br /> 40 • NC Economic Outlook section (3rd Abstract Attachment) <br /> 41 • Appreciate BOCC comments for additions and/or enhancements to this new Financial <br /> 42 Quarterly reporting <br /> 43 <br /> 44 General Fund Revenue Overview <br /> 45 • Strong revenue base with minimal Elastic revenues <br /> 46 • Property tax revenues is largest revenue source accounting for 71% of Budgeted <br /> 47 General Fund revenues; generally Inelastic source of income <br /> 48 • Sales tax revenues (Elastic) is next largest accounting for 9.6% of Budgeted General <br /> 49 Fund revenues <br />