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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: February 2, 2016 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 6-h <br /> SUBJECT: Request for a 1.0 FTE Time Limited Position to Assist in the New Land <br /> Management Central Permitting Software Implementation Program (LMCP) <br /> DEPARTMENT: Planning & Inspections, Health PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> 1. Job Description for Property Craig Benedict, Planning and <br /> Development Technician Inspections Director, 919-245-2592 <br /> Colleen Bridger, Health Director, 919- <br /> 2. LMCP Contract Stages Matrix 245-2412 <br /> Dwane Brinson, Tax Administrator, 919- <br /> 245-2726 <br /> Jim Northrup, Chief Information Officer, <br /> 919-245-2276 <br /> Brenda Bartholomew, Human Resources <br /> Director, 919-245-2552 <br /> Travis Myren, Deputy County Manager, <br /> 919-245-2308 <br /> PURPOSE: To create a new 1.0 FTE (full time equivalent) time limited position in the Health <br /> Department and to transfer an existing 0.5 FTE position from Health to Planning and <br /> Inspections, thereby these positons to backfill the duties of existing staff who will be involved in <br /> implementing the new Land Management Central Permitting (LMCP) Software. <br /> BACKGROUND: The County will be implementing a new Land Management Central Permitting <br /> software which is expected to last fifteen (15) to eighteen (18) months and will require County <br /> staff to work with software consultants to create business rules and processes unique to Orange <br /> County. In some cases, over 80 hours per month for key County personnel are necessary <br /> through the different phases of the project. (See the matrix in Attachment 2). <br /> In order to accommodate this added responsibility, several personnel in each functional area will <br /> have to reassign duties to other staff. Although this reassignment will have the benefit of <br /> broadening the overall knowledge base of existing staff, it will also require supplemental staffing <br /> during the implementation period. This proposal creates capacity at the introductory level of the <br /> organization where training can be accomplished quickly and direct customer service can be <br /> retained. <br /> The Health Department and Planning Department have agreed to create time limited position <br /> authority in the Health Department and to transfer existing part time position authority to <br /> Planning and Inspections to supplement staffing resources dedicated to the software <br />