Orange County NC Website
3 12 <br /> 1 Michael Harvey said this photo is just a snap shot in time and there may be several <br /> 2 options that could meet the requirements. He said the black line on the photo does not indicate <br /> 3 a set back. <br /> 4 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the cars in the red area would count towards the 25-car <br /> 5 limit. <br /> 6 Michael Harvey said no. <br /> 7 Commissioner Rich said the image on page 32 looks like a lot more than 25 cars. <br /> 8 Michael Harvey said yes that is significantly more than 25 cars, which would not be <br /> 9 allowed under the proposed text amendment. <br /> 10 Michael Harvey said the only zoning district that has a limit on the number of cars that <br /> 11 can be displayed is the neighborhood commercial district. He said the example on page 32 is <br /> 12 currently acceptable and the proposed amendment would seek to avoid such examples. <br /> 13 Commissioner Rich asked if the proprietor of the site shown on page 32 knows about the <br /> 14 proposed amendment. <br /> 15 Michael Harvey said yes. <br /> 16 Chair McKee asked if there is a reason that the limit of land covered by vehicles is set at <br /> 17 20 percent. He said it would make more sense to him to have five car lots with 30 or 40 percent <br /> 18 coverage, rather than 15 car lots with 20 percent coverage. He said if there is a demand for a <br /> 19 certain number of cars, the need could be met by increasing the number of lots or increasing the <br /> 20 density on a smaller number of lots. <br /> 21 Michael Harvey said there must be a distinction between zoning designations in the <br /> 22 predominantly rural areas of the County versus the predominantly urban areas. He noted that <br /> 23 45 cars per acre are permitted in the economic development districts in the general commercial <br /> 24 district. He said the proposed amendment is a compromise. <br /> 25 Chair McKee said there should be equity between the lots. He referred to the two <br /> 26 examples in the packet and said it would seem more reasonable to allow a bit more density in <br /> 27 the number of vehicles rather than forcing the owner to go through what he would assume is a <br /> 28 Class A special use permit process to change a business to a commercial zone. <br /> 29 Michael Harvey said a number limit had to be chosen and if the Board would like to see <br /> 30 a higher number, it should direct staff and the Planning Board accordingly. <br /> 31 Chair McKee asked if there is an existing commercial property designation. <br /> 32 Michael Harvey said yes and would require going through the rezoning process. <br /> 33 Chair McKee said this is to what he was referring. <br /> 34 Michael Harvey said this would require a property owner to petition for a legislative <br /> 35 hearing asking the Board to rezone their property as general commercial. <br /> 36 Commissioner Burroughs asked if there are challenges that exist with the lots having <br /> 37 excess cars, such as emergency vehicle access or parking cars over septic tanks. <br /> 38 Michael Harvey said concerns include access, use of required parking spaces for the <br /> 39 display of vehicles, adequate buffering and open space, quantity of impervious surfaces, etc. <br /> 40 He said it is a balancing act between allowing a business to flourish and insuring that there is <br /> 41 adequate area to support the business. <br /> 42 Commissioner Burroughs said the question is to find the right number of vehicles. <br /> 43 Michael Harvey said it is more about finding the right percentage of land usage for cars <br /> 44 that can allow for the business to safely operate. <br /> 45 Chair McKee referred to one of the properties in the PowerPoint presentation and asked <br /> 46 if the storage area would be screened. <br /> 47 Michael Harvey said yes. He said the cars in the screened area would be those that are <br /> 48 not yet ready for sale and would allow them to be screened from view. <br /> 49 Chair McKee said he accepted the rationale for the screening but does not necessarily <br /> 50 agree with it. <br />