Orange County NC Website
2 11 <br /> 1 Agenda Item: C-2 <br /> 2 Public Hearing-Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Text Amendment <br /> 3 Display of Vehicles at Motor Vehicle Sales/rental Land Uses <br /> 4 Orange County Planning Department <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Background <br /> 7 • 2012 text amendment petition by local property owner limited display of cars to 12 within <br /> 8 Neighborhood Commercial (NC-2) district, <br /> 9 • Staff has seen an increase in number of vehicles stored on sites throughout County, <br /> 10 • Believe there is room to increase number of allowable cars and require property <br /> 11 owner/applicant to definitively delineate car display areas on a site plan to avoid <br /> 12 confusion. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Proposal: <br /> 15 • Amend the UDO to base number of vehicles stored on property on acreage. <br /> 16 — Staff is recommending a limit of 25 cars per acre for property zoned Nc-2, EC-5, <br /> 17 E-I to address exiting issues. <br /> 18 — Staff is recommending a limit of 45 cars per acre for property in urbanizing areas. <br /> 19 • Require mandatory designation of vehicle display area, and <br /> 20 • Allow for incidental storage of additional vehicles so long as they are screened from <br /> 21 view. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Example (aerial photo) <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Staff Findings: <br /> 26 • Proposed amendments will create a distinction between vehicles displayed for sale and <br /> 27 stored for other purposes, <br /> 28 • Will help to address existing congestion at automotive sales operations, <br /> 29 • The proposal will create a necessary distinction between automotive sales/rental <br /> 30 businesses within urban and non-urban areas of the County, and <br /> 31 • Firms up language requiring display/storage areas to be properly delineated and <br /> 32 screened. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Recommendation: <br /> 35 Recommendation(s): The Planning Director recommends that the Board: <br /> 36 1. Receive the request, <br /> 37 2. Conduct the Public Hearing and accept public, BOCC, and Planning Board <br /> 38 comments. <br /> 39 3. Refer the matter to the Planning Board with a request that a recommendation be <br /> 40 returned to the BOCC in time for its February 2, 2016 regular meeting. <br /> 41 4. Adjourn the public hearing until February 2, 2016 in order to receive and accept <br /> 42 the Planning Board's recommendation and any submitted written comments. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Commissioner Dorosin referred to the aerial photo and asked if Michael Harvey could <br /> 45 please explain the difference between the shaded areas, the not shaded areas, and the red <br /> 46 area. <br /> 47 Michael Harvey said the aerial photo is of an existing site which attempts to show what <br /> 48 would be allowable. He said the shaded area would allow for the display of cars, the un-shaded <br /> 49 area would be for parking, and the red area would be where cars could be stored. <br /> 50 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the road could be pointed out in the photo. <br /> 51 Michael Harvey did so. <br />