Orange County NC Website
<br />plan). This should be provided as a hard copy and in electronic format in Microsoft <br />Excel. <br />5. Estimated implementation costs under the recommended salary implementation plan. <br />L. Expectations of Consultant <br />1. The selected consultant must have knowledge of current position evaluation and pay <br />methodologies. <br />2. The consultant must have prior successful experience in completing classification and <br />pay studies in public sector organizations. <br />3. The consultant shall not subcontract any portion of this study without the expressed <br />written agreement of the County. <br />4. The consultant shall involve the Orange County Personnel Director and the Personnel <br />Analyst in all phases of the study.' <br />5. The consultant will orient the Personnel Director and the Personnel Analyst to the job <br />evaluation methodology that will be used. <br />6. Orange County expects the consultant's project manager to be a strong participant in <br />the study so that he or she can answer detailed questions from Personnel, department <br />heads, and employees about the study results and recommendations. <br />M. Proposal Requirements <br />Proposals submitted should include the following information: <br />1. Indication that the consultant will meet the requirements outlined in this request for <br />proposals. <br />2. Information describing the consultant's plan for conducting the study, including a <br />projected timetable specifying the projected time for study completion, as well as each <br />phase of the study. <br />3. A description of the specific job evaluation methodology that the consultant will use. In <br />this, indicate specifically whether points or a numerical rating system are used in the job <br />evaluation methodology. <br />4. A list of items and/or additional support needed from Personnel staff, including functions <br />that are anticipated to be completed solely by Personnel staff. <br />5. Name of the person who will direct the study, conduct interviews, and attend meetings. <br />Background information on this person's qualifications. <br />6. Name(s) of the person(s) who will assist in the study and background information on <br />these persons. Orange County retains the right to pre-approve any other consultants <br />