Orange County NC Website
o Moved some misdemeanants from prison to local confinement facilities (County Jails) <br /> through the Misdemeanant Confinement Program <br /> o Did not apply to sentences over 180 days or to sentences for impaired driving <br /> o Participation in the program as a receiving County is voluntary <br /> o Orange County has not volunteered as a receiving County; no impact on jail population <br /> to date <br /> • Beginning January 1, 2015 <br /> o Applies to all misdemeanor sentences, including impaired driving of any length <br /> o Misdemeanant Confinement Program capacity currently sufficient <br /> o Future changes are unclear if bed demand exceeds supply <br /> Population Projections (chart) <br /> • Inmate population projections are for County inmates only <br /> • Inmate population projections are driven by projected population growth and current <br /> confinement rates <br /> • Confinement rates have decreased in recent years resulting in lower projections using a five <br /> year history compared to a ten year history <br /> • Impact of misdemeanor sentencing changes not included. Future changes could add <br /> between 10 and 24 ADP if Misdemeanant Confinement Program is not available <br /> • Jail Bed Projection assumes a jail management factor of approximately 17% to account for <br /> peak populations and inmate separation <br /> • County inmate jail bed needs should be satisfied through 2035 with a 144 bed facility <br /> • Federal inmates will be crowded out over time as the County inmate population grows <br /> Commissioner Price asked why the Latino population is not represented in the race <br /> demographics. <br /> Sheriff Blackwood said on their federal and state reporting there is not a check box for <br /> Latinos, unless a person identifies himself or herself as Latino, in which case it is recorded as <br /> such. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if there is an update on the review of the payments for <br /> federal inmates. <br /> Sheriff Blackwood said this is ongoing, and data is being gathered. He said the federal <br /> program instructed them not to present this information until the jail has been built. He said this <br /> information will be submitted both now and at that future time. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the County has received a contract from a consultant who has <br /> worked with a number of jails across the State. She said this consultant will go to the U.S. <br /> Marshal's office for the County. She said the contract is yet to be executed, but doing so is <br /> within her authority, and there is money in her appropriation. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the last contract with the U.S. Marshal's office was executed in <br /> 2008. She said prior to 2007, contracts were done on an annual basis but are now done every <br /> three years. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs asked if the contract will potentially change the price the <br /> County is paid for federal inmates. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said this will be negotiated. She said the federal government used <br /> to pay the exact costs annually, along with an audit; however, now that contracts are done every <br /> three years, the process is more of a negotiation. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said another consultant working for the jail alternatives, noted that <br /> the County was only reporting income for housing federal inmates, but failed to note the <br /> expenses. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if there is access to information on the ages of the <br /> inmates. <br />