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9 <br />and phases 2B, 2C and 3 have cutoff fixtures (i.e. dark skies compliant); <br />the lighting ordinance requiring cutoff fixtures was passed after Phases 1 <br />and 2A were platted. There are no streetlight spacing requirements (i.e. <br />separation b/w lights) in the Town of Hillsborough code, per Town <br />representatives. The 3rd and final section of Braddock Park (town homes) <br />has not yet been constructed along North Scotswood Boulevard; <br />therefore, there have been no streetlights installed along this section of <br />sidewalk. This will be addressed in the future when construction begins <br />on the final section of the town homes. With regard to Phase 3, Duke <br />Energy designated the location of the light poles according to where their <br />power lines were and alternated sides based on their typical lighting <br />requirements to ensure a more uniformed lighting of the site. If the HOA <br />wants more lighting, then they would need to ask Duke Energy to install <br />them and pay the monthly fees. <br />8. Incorrect acreage identified as active recreation: <br />Mr. Buck wants to know if the entire seven (7) acres of property contained within <br />the recreational site (PIN 9875-81-5631) complies with Section 46-79 (b) (3). <br />Staff Comment: This ordinance provision was not adopted until August 4, <br />1986, three (3) months after the Churton Grove SUP was approved. As a result <br />the following standards do not apply, specifically: <br />a. The prohibition of a portion of the `active' recreation area being on a lot <br />with an identified flood plain, <br />b. The prohibition of having `active' recreation area on a parcel of <br />property that has a slope in excess of seven and a half percent (7 1 /2 <br />%)~ <br />c. The suggestion that having recreation areas that are free from: <br />wooded areas, stream buffers, utility easements (i.e. water /sewer), is <br />also a moot point, as the SUP is silent on these requirements. <br />Therefore, they do not apply to this development. <br />As a general policy, staff has enforced stream buffers with regard to Neuse River <br />Buffers and Orange County stream buffers in Churton Grove; they are shown on <br />the recorded plats. <br />There is no remedy proposed or required that addresses Mr. Buck's concerns <br />over his interpretation of `active' recreation area. However, there are other active <br />recreational alternatives in the development for the use and/or enjoyment of local <br />residents. The walking trails have not been counted as active recreation in staff's <br />administration of the SUP (although trails are considered active recreation in the <br />non-applicable section of the current recreation standards referenced by Mr. <br />Buck that are not applicable to the Development) <br />9. Existing parking spaces encroach on active recreation area: <br />