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8 <br />the Subdivision Regulations that would permit off site open space. As <br />stated before Flexible Development does not apply to this project.] <br />5. Pool inadequately sized for build out of eight hundred (800) families:. <br />a) Mr. Buck is concerned about the size of the pool and that, in his opinion, is <br />not sufficient to satisfy the recreational needs of the development. Mr. <br />Buck has asked if we consider the pool compliant with Section 46-79 (b) <br />(4) of the Orange County Ordinance. <br />Staff Comment: The pool size was not addressed in the SUP. The <br />subdivision recreation requirements were adopted August 4, 1986, after <br />the Development was approved (May 20, 1986). Therefore, the existing <br />sizing standards do not apply to the Development. In general, there are <br />multiple recreational sites and amenities within this development that are <br />intended to serve the recreational needs of local residents. <br />b) Staff Comment: The SUP does not require developer to provide <br />recreational amenities of sufficient size to allow all residents to take <br />advantage of the same amenity at the same time. No recreational <br />facilities (public or private) are built to accommodate all potential users <br />simultaneously. The internal Home Owner's Association ("HOA") rules <br />govern use of the swimming facilities as well as the other amenities <br />(tennis court, basketball court, play areas, walking trails and all-purpose <br />field). <br />6. No lighting in active recreation area: <br />Staff Comment: <br />a) The Orange County Planning Department recently approved an outdoor <br />lighting plan whereby the developer will erect outdoor lights at the parking <br />area of the clubhouse. <br />b) The question regarding whether or not the developer (Churton Grove LLC) <br />may require the Churton Grove HOA to reimburse the developer for the <br />cost to install the light poles is a private matter dispute between the HOA <br />and developer. <br />c) Lighting is being installed; this issue is being resolved. The timing of the <br />lighfing installation is the concern here, not whether or not it is to be <br />accomplished. <br />7. No lighting of sidewalks along North Scotswood Boulevard: <br />a) Mr. Buck wants to know if the County believes that all outdoor lighting <br />conforms to the standards articulated in Section 50-167 of the Orange <br />County Zoning Ordinance. <br />Staff Comment: The actual fixtures and type of lights comply with the <br />ordinance provisions and the Town of Hillsborough standards as required <br />in the SUP. All of the streetlights conformed to the Town's standards <br />when each section was platted. Phases 1 and 2A have standard fixtures <br />