Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> ANALYSIS OF IMPEDIMENTS TO FAIR HOUSING CHOICE <br /> THE ORANGE COUNTY, NC HOME CONSORTIUM OP rl'NVVo 11,0d <br /> o Female-headed families with • 43A% of renter households and <br /> related children under the age 32.5% of owner-occupied <br /> of 18 is 35.2%. households experienced one of <br /> o Families with a householder the four housing problems <br /> who is White is 6.1% (incomplete kitchen facilities, <br /> o Families with a householder incomplete plumbing facilities, <br /> who is Black or African more than 1 person per room, and <br /> American is 20.6%. cost burdened by 30% or more). <br /> o Families with a householder • In Carrboro 51.1% of renter <br /> who is Asian is 15.4%. households and 30.7% of owner <br /> o Families with a householder occupied households experienced <br /> who is Hispanic or Latino is a housing problem. <br /> 29.4%. • In Chapel Hill 54.9% of renter <br /> • 44.1% of all renter households are households and 20.5% of owner- <br /> cost burdened by 30% or more, occupied households experienced <br /> and 12.1% of all owner a housing problem. <br /> households are cost burdened by • In Hillsborough 47.3% of renter <br /> 30% or more. households and 39.0% of owner- <br /> • 28.4% of all renter households are occupied households experienced <br /> cost burdened by 50% or more, a housing problem. <br /> and 7.7% of all owner households • Throughout Orange County, the <br /> are cost burdened by 50% or number of renter households <br /> more. experiencing one of the four <br /> • The median monthly rent in housing problems is greater than <br /> Orange County increased by the number of owner-occupied <br /> 22.81% between 2000 and 2011, households experiencing a <br /> from $684 to $840, respectively. housing problem. <br /> • 47% of all disabled renters have a • In the Town of Chapel Hill renter <br /> housing problem that includes households are almost three times <br /> cost burdened by 30% or more or more likely to experience a <br /> another type of housing problem. housing problem than owner- <br /> • 32% of disabled homeowners occupied households. <br /> have a housing problem that <br /> includes cost burdened by 30% or <br /> more or another type of housing ❑ FINDINGS — HMDA DATA <br /> problem. <br /> According to the Home Mortgage <br /> Disclosure Act (HMDA) data: <br /> ❑ FINDINGS — CHAS DATA <br /> • The percentage of total <br /> According to the 2006-2010 applications by Whites accounts <br /> Comprehensive Housing Affordability for almost three-quarters (74.3%) <br /> Strategy (CHAS) data (the most of the total number of applications, <br /> current complete set of the data): regardless of income. <br /> 3 <br />