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34 <br /> Animal Control Ordinance <br /> (9) All animals shall have fresh,potable water available at all times. Water containers <br /> shall be of a removable type and be mounted or secured so that the animals cannot <br /> readily tip them over or defecate or urinate in them. <br /> (10) All food and water containers shall be cleaned and disinfected daily. <br /> (11) All animals must be fed and watered, and all cages and kennels cleaned each day, <br /> including Sundays and holidays. <br /> (12) Adequate veterinary care shall be provided as needed for each animal. <br /> (13) Provisions shall be made for the removal and disposal of animal and food waste, <br /> bedding and debris. <br /> (14) Facilities such as a washroom, sink or basin shall be provided to maintain <br /> cleanliness among animal caretakers and animal food and water containers. <br /> (15) Facilities for animals shall be adequately ventilated to provide for the health and <br /> comfort of the animals at all times. Such facilities shall be provided with fresh air, <br /> either by means of windows, doors, vents or air conditioning, and shall be <br /> ventilated so as to minimize drafts, odors, and moisture condensation. <br /> (16) Facilities for animals shall have ample light by natural or artificial means or both, <br /> of good quality and well distributed and as appropriate for each animal's health <br /> and well-being. Such lighting shall provide uniformly distributed illumination of <br /> sufficient light intensity to permit routine inspection and cleaning during the <br /> entire working period. Enclosures shall be so placed as to protect the animals <br /> from excessive illumination. <br /> (17) Every person owning, operating, or maintaining such a facility shall post a notice <br /> clearly visible from the ground level at the main entrance to the facility containing <br /> the names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons responsible for the <br /> facility where they may be contacted during any hour of the day or night. <br /> (c) Owners or operators of Class II kennels must apply to the Animal Services Director for a <br /> Class II Kennel Permit,pay any designated fee, to receive a permit to own or operate a <br /> Class II Kennel in Orange County. <br /> (d) Kennel Facilities shall be subject to inspection during reasonable hours by an Animal <br /> Control Officer upon his or her request. A fee in the amount of$25.00 shall be assessed <br /> against the owners or operators of a facility for failing to permit an inspection pursuant to <br /> this subsection in order to defray the costs of repeat travel to the facility. <br /> DRAFTv.11- 1/14/2016 Proposed Unified Animal Control Ordinance Page 31 <br />