Agenda - 01-21-2016 - 7-a - Unified Animal Control Ordinance
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-21-2016 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 01-21-2016 - 7-a - Unified Animal Control Ordinance
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Last modified
1/15/2016 8:27:31 AM
Creation date
1/14/2016 4:13:13 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 01-21-2016
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2016
ORD-2016-003 Ordinance Amending the Animal Control Ordinance, Chapter 4
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2016
RES-2015-069 Resolution Amending Chapter 4 of the Orange County Code of Ordinances
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2015
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33 <br /> Animal Control Ordinance <br /> stray therefrom; or any person owning or keeping 20 or more animals, excluding <br /> domesticated livestock, each of which is four months of age or older. <br /> (b) Standards for a Class II Kennel. All commercial kennels shall, in addition to the other <br /> requirements of this article including those for a 4-71 above, comply with the minimum <br /> standards of this subsection. The premises of commercial kennels shall meet the <br /> following standards: <br /> (1) Buildings or enclosures must be provided which shall allow adequate protection <br /> against extreme weather conditions. Floors of buildings, runs and walls shall be of <br /> a nonporous material or otherwise constructed as to permit proper cleaning and <br /> disinfecting. Temperatures in animal containments shall be maintained at a level <br /> that is healthful for every species of animal in the containment. <br /> (2) Cages,kennels or runs shall have sufficient space for each animal to sit, stand up, <br /> lie down, turn around and stretch out to its full length without touching the sides <br /> or tops of the cage, kennel or run. Cages, kennels and runs are to be of a material <br /> and construction that permits cleaning and disinfecting, and shall have an <br /> impervious surface. Cage, kennel and run floors of concrete shall have a resting <br /> board or some type of bedding. Cages, kennels and runs shall provide protection <br /> from the weather. All animal quarters are to be kept clean, dry and in a sanitary <br /> condition. Cages,kennels and runs shall be structurally sound and maintained in <br /> good repair to protect animals from potential physical harm, contain the animals, <br /> and restrict the entrance of other animals and people. <br /> (3) Animals shall not be placed in cages, kennels or runs less such cages,kennels or <br /> runs are so constructed to prevent animal excreta from entering other cages, <br /> kennels or runs. <br /> (4) Sufficient shade shall be provided to allow all animals kept outdoors to protect <br /> themselves from the direct rays of the sun. <br /> (5) Each animal shall be given the opportunity for vigorous daily exercise as <br /> appropriate. <br /> (6) Litter boxes shall be provided for cats and kittens. <br /> (7) Food shall not be contaminated and shall be wholesome,palatable, and of <br /> sufficient quantity and nutritive value and offered at appropriate intervals to meet <br /> the normal daily requirements for the condition, size, and age of the animal. Food <br /> for all animals shall be served in a clean container so mounted that the animals <br /> cannot readily tip it over or defecate or urinate in it. <br /> (8) Supplies of food and bedding shall be stored in facilities that adequately protect <br /> such supplies against infestation or contamination by vermin. Refrigeration shall <br /> be provided for supplies of perishable food. <br /> DRAFTv.11- 1/14/2016 Proposed Unified Animal Control Ordinance Page 30 <br />
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