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3 <br /> Governmental Uses (2.24). <br /> 2. Analysis <br /> As required under Section 2.8.5 of the UDO, the Planning Director is required to: <br /> `cause an analysis to be made of the application and, based upon that analysis, <br /> prepare a recommendation for consideration by the Planning Board and the Board of <br /> County Commissioners'. <br /> While updating the Unified Development Ordinance to incorporate amendments <br /> adopted on November 5, 2015, staff discovered inadvertent omissions in three <br /> sections: 2.7.5, 2.9.1, and 2.9.2. Text in these three sections was changed to <br /> increase the mailed notification distance from 500 to 1,000 feet but was not updated <br /> to modify the type of mailing from certified to first class mail, as was done in other <br /> sections and which was the intent of this aspect of the November 5th amendments. <br /> Additionally, staff has analyzed other sections of the UDO that were not part of the <br /> November 5th amendments to determine if additional modifications are warranted as <br /> a result of changing the mailed notification boundary from 500 feet to 1,000 for <br /> certain types of review processes. Staff is recommending that the mailed notification <br /> requirements for the Neighborhood Information Meetings that are held for Major <br /> Subdivisions and Governmental Uses be updated to change the notification <br /> boundary from 500 feet to 1,000 feet and, in the case of governmental uses, to <br /> require first class mail rather than certified mail. Having consistency throughout the <br /> UDO in regards to distance requirements and the type of mailing should result in less <br /> potential confusion. <br /> Staff notes that Section 5.10.8(2) requires a neighborhood information meeting in <br /> conjunction with a balloon test for telecommunication facilities. The current <br /> (unchanged in 2015) mailed notification distance for this type of facility is 1,000 feet <br /> and applicants are required to mail the notice via certified mail. Staff is not <br /> recommending a change to this particular process because a non-governmental <br /> entity is responsible for the mailings. <br /> 3. Comprehensive Plan Linkage (i.e. Principles, Goals and Objectives) <br /> Land Use Goal 6: A land use planning process that is transparent, fair, open, <br /> efficient, and responsive. <br /> 4. New Statutes and Rules <br /> N/A <br /> C. PROCESS <br /> 1. TIMEFRAME/MILESTONES/DEADLINES <br /> a. BOCC Authorization to Proceed <br /> 2 <br />