Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> 1 to refer the ordinance directly to the BOCC for consideration and adoption following the close of <br /> 2 the joint public hearing. <br /> 3 If the Board should adopt the proposed ordinance designating the Hester House as a <br /> 4 Local Landmark, the owner of the property would be eligible for a 50-percent property tax <br /> 5 deferral. A preliminary calculation by DEAPR staff shows that the property tax would be <br /> 6 reduced from the present amount of$2,241 to approximately $1,350. Tax Administration staff <br /> 7 will determine a final calculation. (The current assessed value for the home and land - 18.17 <br /> 8 acres total - equals $235,500. The estimated assessed value after Landmark designation <br /> 9 equals $140,000 based on the house plus approximately 7 acres being included in the final <br /> 10 designation.) <br /> 11 Peter Sandbeck made a PowerPoint presentation containing photographs of the site, <br /> 12 and recognized the HPC members in attendance tonight. He also recognized the owners of the <br /> 13 property in question this evening. <br /> 14 Peter Sandbeck said the public hearing will be held, and then the Board of County <br /> 15 Commissioners will be asked to adopt the proposed revised ordinance. <br /> 16 Commissioner Price asked if Peter Sandbeck or the property owners were going to go <br /> 17 for National Historic Designation. <br /> 18 The owner said the previous owner had tried, but it was found that the property did not <br /> 19 have enough significance. She said the property is sitting on the study list for the National <br /> 20 Register. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> 23 NONE <br /> 24 Commissioner Price commended the property owners. She said she served on the HPC <br /> 25 and wondered how this couple would accomplish this feat, but noted they have done a <br /> 26 phenomenal job. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs for <br /> 29 the Board to close the public hearing. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 32 <br /> 33 A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Rich for the <br /> 34 Board to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the designation ordinance. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 37 <br /> 38 b. Oranqe County Consolidated Plan -Annual Action Plan Needs Hearinq <br /> 39 The Board considered receiving comments from the public regarding the housing and <br /> 40 non-housing needs to be included in the Annual Action Plan Update of the 2016-2017 <br /> 41 Consolidated Housing Plan for Housing and Community Development Programs in Orange <br /> 42 County. <br /> 43 Audrey Spencer-Horsley, Director of the Housing, Human Rights and Community <br /> 44 Development, reviewed the following information: <br /> 45 In May 2015 a Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development <br /> 46 Programs in Orange County was developed and approved by the U.S. Department of Housing <br /> 47 and Urban Development (HUD). This document details the housing needs of very low income, <br /> 48 low income and moderate-income families and special population groups in addition to outlining <br /> 49 the strategies and plans for addressing those needs. <br /> 50 Each year, local communities are required to reassess the needs of the community. This <br /> 51 public hearing provides an opportunity for the public, public agencies and other interested <br />