Orange County NC Website
.o <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> a. Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment— Recreational Land Uses - Closure of Public <br /> Hearing and Action(No Additional Comments Accepted) <br /> 6. Consent Agenda <br /> • Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br /> • Approval of Remaining Consent Agenda <br /> • Discussion and Approval of the Items Removed from the Consent Agenda <br /> a. Minutes <br /> b. Motor Vehicle Property Tax Releases/Refunds <br /> c. Property Tax Releases/Refunds <br /> d. Applications for Property Tax Exemption/Exclusion <br /> e. Fiscal Year 2015-16 Budget Amendment#5 <br /> f. Request for Road Addition to the State Maintained Secondary Road System <br /> g. Orange Unified Transportation Board (OUTBoard)Policies and Procedures <br /> h. Unified Development Ordinance Amendment Outline and Schedule — Mailed Notification <br /> Requirements <br /> 7. Regular Agenda <br /> a. Unified Animal Control Ordinance <br /> b. Mountains-to-Sea Trail—Master Plan for Segment 11 <br /> c. Creation of a Criminal Case Assessment Specialist Position <br /> 8. Reports <br /> a. Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice <br /> 9. County Manager's Report <br /> 10. County Attorney's Report <br /> 11. Appointments <br /> a. Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee—Appointment <br /> b. Arts Commission—Appointment <br /> 12. Board Comments (Three Minute Limit Per Commissioner) <br /> 13. Information Items <br /> • December 15, 2015 BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions List <br /> • Tax Collector's Report—Numerical Analysis <br /> • Tax Collector's Report—Measure of Enforced Collections <br /> • Tax Assessor's Report—Releases/Refunds under $100 <br /> • Memo from County Manager Regarding Budget Schedule Changes <br /> • Memo Regarding Health in All Policies Pilot Project with Criminal Justice Resource Office and <br />