Orange County NC Website
r .• <br />?~,-. T. . ., q <br />iSinut es of the Ece.rd of Commis sloners c~iJ.~. <br />Tuesdey, Deoember 1$, 1953 <br />The Boe rd of Commissioners of Orange Countg met on Tues dag, December <br />1$, 1953, at 7:30 o'clock P. 7.t, in an adfourned meeting 1a the Commissions rsr <br />Room et"the Courthouse in Hillsboro, North Caroline. <br />i~ tlembe rs present: Chairman R, D, Forrest and Commissioners Sim L, Eflend <br />and R. J. 1.f. Hobbs. <br />thembere ebsent: None. <br />Also present vrare representatives of the J. 6t. Cleminshaw Company. <br />The purpose of this meetinB vras to discuss the new tex velua tion for the <br />period begianing Januerg 1, 1954• <br />It urea tentatively decided to use a ]Cn of the vel vation as fixed bg the <br />J. td. Cleminshew Compeny for tax purposes. <br />There being no further bus ineas, upon motion, adfourne d. <br />J, ~, Lawa <br />Clerk to Board <br />R. 0. Forrest <br />Ch¢irmen of Board. <br />~~. <br />~: <br />