Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: E4349D49-1523-4646-AC79-1BC3F4B5D445 <br /> 2725 E. Millbrook Road, Suite 121 <br /> Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 <br /> v ww,atcas�tf:ciates.con''II <br /> Phone: 919-871-0999 <br /> RTC Associates, Inc. Fax: 919-871-0335 <br /> DAILY / OBSERVATIONS <br /> Project Name: Hollow Rock Parking lot ATC Rep: Frank Hamlin <br /> Client: Orange Co. ATC Job o.: WLBISHP011 <br /> Location: Chapel Hill Day/Date: 12-9-15 <br /> 'Arrival Time: 1:00 'Departure Time: 2:15 Weather/Temp: 65 clear <br /> 2Arrival Time: 2Dearture Time: Equipment: <br /> nsite Time: 1 Travel Time: 1.25 No. of Trips: 1 <br /> Lab Time: .25 Total Time 2.75 Mileage: 65 <br /> A. Description of Work:—undercut evaluations <br /> B. Location Grid Coordinates & Floor Level: <br /> C. Tests Performed: <br /> D. Equipment and Crew: <br /> E. Problems/ on-Compliance/Failing Tests: <br /> F. Informed of E above: <br /> ATC arrived on site as requested to perform undercut evaluations on parking lot. The undersigned observed <br /> variable depth undercutting due to unsuitable soils and instructed contractor to undercut areas accordingly. <br /> Utilizing a loaded tandem truck and a steel probe rod the undersigned found a suitable foundation to begin <br /> backfill process. The undersigned observed the backfill with a loaded dump truck performing a passing proof <br /> roll each lift. The areas observed undercut today were 111' x 19' x 2.25' = 175.75 CY and an area 75' x 50' x <br /> 1' = 138.9 CY. <br /> Total undercut = 1193.4 CY <br /> Printed Name: Frank Hamlin Reviewed By: Rob Whitley <br /> This Report is Preliminary until reviewed by the engineering staff. Field Data,Locations, Elevations and Depths are Estimated. <br /> This report is a summary of field observations and is subject to review by ATC personnel.Therefore,the information provided herein does not constitute <br /> certification or approval unless specifically stated. <br />