Orange County NC Website
So how do we do 1P <br />The first step in trying to get primary employers to expand in or <br />locate to your community is to understand the most important <br />concern of these companies which is "urofl " <br />Companies do not exist to provide jobs for a community, to pay taxes <br />to local government, to add money to the bucket of wealth. Primary <br />businesses exist for only one purpose... to make money. If they <br />don't, they close. Period. <br />While the sales for a primary employer are generated from outside <br />your area, many or most of its costs (expenditures) are driven locally. <br />When a business conducts its community — site selection evaluation, <br />it will consider a host of issues including wage rates, the cost of <br />utilities, highway, airport, and seaport systems, local and state taxes, higher educational <br />resources, and on and on and on. <br />However, usually a business will have one or two major geographic economic issues <br />which must be satisfied to locate in an area. <br />As an example, if a company needs an abundant supply of inexpensive electricity, then <br />communities with low electric rates will be given priority consideration. A major <br />distribution center will locate only in areas with direct access to the interstate highway <br />system. A corporate headquarters typically will not locate fiu-ther than sixty minutes <br />from a major airport. <br />For a business which will invest hundreds of millions of dollars in its facility, such as a <br />drug manufacturing facility, the local property tax rate is of great concern. A software <br />development company usually needs to locate close to a university which offers advanced <br />degrees in computer science. <br />While there are specific needs which must be considered, for most site selection projects, <br />more than 100 economic issues relative to the state or the community will be measured to <br />determine their effect upon the cost of producing the product or service. <br />A company is not necessarily looking for the "cheapest" area, but the one which offers <br />the best "value." Communities, which are the most profitable location for companies, <br />will be the ones considered. <br />Flory of Dough - Pone 30 - Version August 20, 200.7 <br />