Orange County NC Website
Aging in Orange County: Exploring Options for Housing and Care <br /> Budget Justification <br /> PERSONNEL <br /> Dr. Rosemond is a Research Scientist with the UNC Center for Health Promotion and <br /> Disease Prevention. She will serve as Principal Investigator on this p 'ect and will <br /> coordinate the. She will devote 50% of her time to this p ject. Specifically, she will: 1) <br /> continue to monitor and engage in development of new housing options available to older <br /> adults in Orange County; 2) provide leadership to the Orange County Long Term Care <br /> Collaborative, an initiative to improve the quality of life of recipients of LTC services. <br /> Consultation to assist leaders with the implementation of positive change will also be provided <br /> on an as- requested basis; 3) help organize and facilitate a series of discussions for community <br /> members to learn about and consider new housing models such as intentional communities, co- <br /> housing, modular structures, and pocket neighborhoods; 4) interview Architects and Developers <br /> to understand their perspectives on innovative housing models that may be introduced into <br /> Orange County. They will be asked to consider housing of various types that serve seniors from <br /> diverse backgrounds and levels of socioeconomic resources and identify barriers that might <br /> prohibit their development; 5)facilitate meetings between Architects/ Developers and the <br /> Orange County Planning Department to address the feasibility of building out current and future <br /> models of senior housing; 6) attend regularly scheduled meetings between Mary Fraser, <br /> Director of Orange County's Aging Transitions Program and Janice Tyler, Director of Orange <br /> County Department on Aging to ensure project direction progress and timeline are moving <br /> forward per overall project goals; 7) supervise two -six public health students as they conduct <br /> community-based research on long-term care, MD dissemination, Complete Streets and senior <br /> housing; 8) and continue providing leadership to disseminate information about Department on <br /> Aging services to the medical community,with the aim of increasing referrals to community <br /> services and improving the transition experience from hospital to home. <br /> BENEFITS <br /> Fringe benefits for full-time employees are calculated using 22.634% composite rate <br /> plus medical insurance at $5,378 per FTE. Fringe benefit rates are regulated by the <br /> University and will be adjusted to accommodate any rate changes. A 3% increase is <br /> budgeted annually for health insurance. <br />