Agenda - 10-18-2007-1
Board of County Commissioners
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Agenda - 10-18-2007
Agenda - 10-18-2007-1
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Memorandum No. 1077 <br />August 1, 2007 <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />Discussion <br /> <br />Last year, the Auditing Standards Board (ASB) of the American Institute of Certified Public <br />Accountants (AICPA) issued the Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 112 Communicating <br />Internal Control Related Matters Identified in an Audit. This statement establishes standards and <br />provides guidance on the auditor's responsibilities for identifying, evaluating, and communicating <br />matters related to an entity's internal control over financial reporting identified in the audit of the <br />financial statements. The new standard replaces SAS No. 60, Communication of Internal Control <br />Related Matters Noted in an Audit. SAS No. 112 is effective for audits of financial statements for <br />periods ended on or after December 15, 2006, which is for fiscal year ended June 30, 2007 for most <br />local governments and public authorities in North Carolina. <br />Under this new Statement, auditors are required, as part of each audit, to report in writing all control <br />deficiencies identified during the audit that are considered significant deficiencies or material <br />weaknesses (see Appendix A for definitions) to management and those in charge of governance. <br />Please note that the term `reportable condition', which was used in prior years' audits, will no longer <br />be used. It has been replaced with `significant deficiency,' which covers a wider range of findings <br />than `reportable condition' covered. The scope of what is deemed to be a `material weakness' also <br />has been expanded. In addition, any significant deficiencies and material weaknesses that were <br />communicated to management and the governing board in previous audits that have yet to be <br />eliminated must continue to be communicated in writing to those charged with governance. Based <br />on this increased scope, the LGC is expecting an increase in findings on internal controls and an <br />increase in the written communications from auditors to North Carolina governments (e.g., letters <br />may be issued to governments this year that did not receive management letters in the previous <br />years). <br />The auditor will evaluate control deficiencies identified during the course of the audit. The auditor's <br />awareness of control deficiencies will vary with each audit and will be influenced by the nature, <br />timing, and extent of audit procedures performed, as well as other factors. The significance of a <br />control deficiency will depend on whether there is potential for a misstatement in financial reporting, <br />not on whether a misstatement actually occurred. In addition, the auditor will consider both <br />qualitative and quantitative factors. If the auditor determines that a control deficiency is not <br />significant or material, it may still be communicated to the unit in writing. <br />We believe that SAS No. 112 will improve the qualify of communications between the auditor, the <br />governing board, and management. Most experts in this field agree that the new standard will result <br />in more control deficiencies being reported as significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. In <br />turn, the auditors may need to gather more information to make the SAS No. 112 determinations. <br />Based on this and other factors, the LGC believes that SAS No. 112 may increase the audit <br />engagement fees because of these new requirements. <br />The LGC staff expects that auditors of smaller units of governments may issue a SAS No. 112 report <br />that includes deficiencies in the areas of lack of segregation of duties and, perhaps, the lack of <br />expertise in financial accounting and reporting. Our office is aware that the existence of these <br />deficiencies and others may already be known to management, may have existed for some time, and <br />may represent a conscious decision by management or the board to accept that degree of risk due to <br />the cost of mitigating the deficiency or other considerations. Management and the board should <br />
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