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2 <br />that need to occur in order for the revenue question(s) to be an the May 6 ballot. At the <br />September 19 meeting, Commissioners agreed to the dates associated with the first three <br />actions outlined in the timeline. Further Board discussion regarding the timeline will occur <br />during the months of October and November 2007. <br />Local Revenue Options Education Advisory Committee <br />Voter education is an integral part of the Local Revenue Options referendum. As proposed, the <br />Local Revenue Options Education Advisory Committee will help the Board of County <br />Commissioners develop and disseminate factual information about the need for new local <br />revenue option(s). The attached resolution indicates the Board's intention to appoint a Local <br />Revenue Options Education Advisory Committee comprised of interested partners who will <br />communicate to community groups, civic organizations and voters in general concerning the <br />May 6, 2008 local revenue options referendum for Orange County. The resolution includes <br />plans, in accordance with the timeline included in Attachment 1 of this agenda abstract, for the <br />Board to appoint Committee members and a chair, or co-chairs, at its November 5, 2007 regular <br />meeting. <br />Also attached to this abstract is a proposed charge to the committee and a suggested structure <br />for the Committee. While the proposed charge and structure are similar to the framework used <br />during the 2001 bond education process, it is also unique to the local revenue options. <br />Funding the Education Initiative <br />It is important to note that Commissioners may designate public funds to present relevant <br />factual information to voters about the proposed local revenue options and the circumstances <br />that have contributed to the need for the revenues. On the other hand, counties cannot <br />expend public funds on campaigns to either promote or defeat passage of the local <br />revenue options. <br />There may be a number of options for developing and disseminating educational materials <br />associated with the local revenue options referendum. However, based on current workload <br />and expertise, staff recommends hiring an outside consultant to assist the County with <br />educating voters. With such an arrangement, County staff would be responsible for providing <br />facts, statistics and analysis while the consultant would offer expertise in design, format and <br />dissemination of the actual public information materials. The consultant would work closely with <br />County staff and the Education Advisory Committee in developing the materials. The Board of <br />County Commissioners will have final approval of the materials before dissemination to the <br />public. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Given the fact that the General Assembly approved legislation giving <br />counties the authority to seek voter approval for new local revenues after the beginning of the <br />current fiscal year, the Board's approved 2007-08 budget did not include an appropriation that <br />would cover the cost of educating voters. Staff anticipates the direct cost of the education <br />activities and informational materials to be $15,000 not including the cost of hiring an outside <br />consultant to develop the educational (non-promotional) materials. Staff recommends that the <br />Board direct staff to determine a funding source to cover the costs of educating voters on the <br />Local Revenue Options, and report the source to the Board at the November 5, 2007 regular <br />Board meeting. <br />