Orange County NC Website
to vacate the current location by October 31, 2007 so the remediation of the hazardous waste <br />dumpsite could begin. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Bids are awarded in an amount not to exceed $2,168,090. Funds in the <br />amount of $2.2 million were included in the recent alternative financing package approved by <br />the Commissioners. The complete project costs including design, construction and other owner <br />responsibilities associated with construction can be met by the available funding. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board award a contract for <br />construction of the Solid Waste administrative offices to LeChase Construction Services, LLC, in <br />the amount of $2,168,090; and authorize the County Manager to execute and report to the <br />Board change orders as may be required up to the amount of the project budget. <br />