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FINAL DRAFT RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION Attachment 1 8 <br />(Changes made after Aug. 27 QPH are in strike-through/underline format) <br />b - - - <br />^~~^~,*~^~ ~~^°. Within the pre-desi~~ated co~m~zercial area, vinyl-coated <br />chain link fencing shall be permitted for non-residential uses. Outside of the <br />pre-desinnated commercial area but within the boundaries of the I-liahway 70 <br />Over]ay District chain Link or similar fencinn shall not be permitted for non- <br />residential uses. <br />5. Ingress and Egress. The following standards shall regulate ingress and egress <br />points within the corridor: <br />a. For purposes of determining the allowable number of ingress and egress <br />points on any particular lot, all lots recorded at the effective date of this <br />Ordinance shall be granted at least one (1) ingress and egress point per <br />road front unless access can be provided through some internal means. <br />However, mMinimization of the total number of driveways along the <br />Highway 70 corridor is desirable through the use of shared driveways or <br />other access nlananement techniques. <br />b. Entrances: On all corner lots, no vehicular openings shall be located <br />closer than sixty (60) feet from the point of intersection of the street right- <br />of-way lines. To manage access on Highway 70, corner lots may be <br />required to provide ingress and/or egress from the adjacent street. <br />Entrances/exits shall not exceed thirty-six (36) feet in width measured at <br />the property line; however, in instances where parking lots serve <br />tractor/trailer traffic, the driveway entrance/exit may be increased to forty <br />(40) feet in width. Exits for parking facilities containing more than thirty- <br />six (36) parking spaces shall contain holding lanes for left-turning and <br />right-turning traffic unless the Zoning Officer D1^^,,;,,,,- '~°r°=-*^~o=nt <br />determines that due to the physical features of a site, holding lanes would <br />be unsafe and in accordance with established traffic mitigation standards, <br />should not be required. <br />c. Multiple curb cut requirements: A lot fronting on Highway 70 shall <br />have a minimum of six hundred (600) feet of road frontage along the street <br />before two (2) curb cuts are allowed unless the project meets one (1) of the <br />following criteria: <br />i. Any mixed-use development where two (2) curb cuts are approved <br />as part of a Special Use Permit or other approval procedures as <br />prescribed by the Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br />ii. In instances where a ~+'' non-residential land uses is a~ <br />proposed next to another non-residential ].and. use anal each. of the <br />CO1~ttatlatiS non-residential land uses will have ~~~~'', ^^~~*~^~~^"s <br />~~_~_ <br />direct frontage along Highway 70, 1111*' ' ''' +• <br />,them the <br />County shall require shared driveway cuts for all such contiguous <br />non-residential land uses. In the event that shared driveways <br />are required, then tThe owners of the continuous parcels Eeu~~~-}~ <br />',^7~ ~•^^~~~~•^ ''~^ shall execute n~;~e~-•s-ef reciprocal easement <br />