Orange County NC Website
FINAL DRAFT RECOMIVTENDED FOR ADOPTION Attachment 1 7 <br />(Changes made after Aug. 27 QPH are in strike-through/underiine format) <br />(d) The location and dimensions of present and proposed streets and <br />highways. <br />(e) The location of points of entry and exit for motor vehicles and internal <br />vehicular circulation pattern. <br />(f) All existing and proposed topography at contour intervals of five (5) <br />feet. <br />(g) Grading, drainage, sedimentation and erosion control activities. <br />(h) The location of existing and proposed plantings and screenings. <br />(i) The location of walls, fences, railings and beams and an indication of <br />their height and construction materials. <br />(j) The location and size of all existing and proposed utilities including <br />water, sewer, gas, and electric lines and structures. <br />(k) Identification and location of all site improvements including <br />buildings, streets, water and sewer lines, storm drainage facilities and <br />any other significant site features. <br />Section 6.25.4 Non-residential Development Standards: <br />The following development standards shall apply to ail applicable non-residential <br />development within the pre-designated commercial areas and along the Highway 70 <br />corridor. <br />1. Minimum Lot Width. The minimum lot width for all lots created after the <br />effective date of the Highway 70 Overlay District shall be one hundred and <br />thirty (130) feet, unless the lot is served by public sewer and shared <br />ingress/egress in which case the minimum lot width shall be seventy-five (75) <br />feet. <br />2. Setbacks and Building Height. The setbacks and building heights for all <br />structures, regardless of the proposed land use, shall conform to the setbacks of <br />the underlying zoning district. If Building Height Limitation modifications are <br />pursued in accordance with Section 6.2.1, in no case shall building height <br />exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Where applicable, the front yard setback shall be <br />measured from any future right-of--way as designated in the Orange County <br />Thoroughfare Plan. <br />3. Floor Area Ratio. The maximum floor area ratio for non-residential uses in the <br />pre-designated commercial area shall be 0.200 with a maximum building square <br />footage total of 20,000 square feet. The maximum floor area ratio for non- <br />residential uses along the Highway 70 Corridor shall be 0.100 with a maximum <br />building square footage total of 6,000 square feet. <br />4. Yard encroachments: No fences shall be permitted in the front yard of non- <br />residential uses unless a demonstrated need can be shown. i~,-r~o-~~J~n~1= <br />