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FINAL DRAFT RECOl~%IlVIENDED FOR ADOPTION Attachment 1 6 <br />(Changes made after Aug. 27 QPH are in strike-through/underline format) <br />Section 6.25 Extra Requirements for the Efland-Cheeks Highway 70 Corridor <br />Overlay District (ECOD) <br />Section 6.25.1 Permitted Uses <br />Within the ECOD, uses of land and structures shall be permitted as follows: <br />1. Non-residential development within the pre-designated commercial area shall <br />adhere to the permitted and special uses outlined for the Neighborhood <br />Commercial Two (NC-2) zoning district as contained within Section 4.3 Table of <br />Permitted Uses of this Ordinance. <br />2. Non-residential uses within the Highway 70 Corridor Overlay District, shall be <br />limited to professional office and similar institutional uses (numbers S28 and S29 <br />on the Permitted Use Table found in Section 4.3) and abide by the standards <br />contained herein. <br />3. No more than forty percent (40%) of the Highway 70 corridor outside of the pre- <br />designated commercial areas shall be permitted for non-residential uses. This <br />figure shall be calculated by the sum of the street frontage of lots used for non- <br />residential purposes compared to the total street frontage of all lots on both sides <br />of the roadway outside of the pre-designated commercial areas along the overlay <br />district corridor. The 40% limitation includes non-residential uses conducted <br />within new or converted/rehabilitated struchues that have a residential <br />~uearance. <br />Section 6.25.2 Approval Requirements <br />Within the ECOD, no construction activity shall begin nor shall any conversion of <br />existing single-family residence to anon-residential land use, excavation, soil removal, <br />grading or disturbance of vegetation including trees, land disturbing activity associated <br />with anon-residential land use, be commenced, nor any sign erected until such time as a <br />site plan has been approved and a permit issued by the Zoning Officer in accordance with <br />Section 21.4 and in Article 14 of this Ordinance. <br />Section 6.25.3 Site Pian Requirements <br />In addition to the requirements outlined within Article Fourteen (14) Site Pian Approval <br />Procedures, the following additional information shall be required for non-residential <br />land uses developing within the ECOD: <br />(a) A development summary including total acres, proposed use(s), total <br />building square footage, required and proposed parking spaces. <br />(b) The dimensions and acreage of each lot or portion thereof to be built <br />upon or otherwise used. <br />(c) The layout of the entire project including the proposed uses of all <br />building and their relation to surrounding properties. <br />