Orange County NC Website
FINAL DRAFT RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION Attachment 1 5 <br />(Changes made after Aug. 27 QPH are in strike-through/underline format) <br />Efland -Cheeks Highway 70 Corridor Overlay District Boundaries <br />Legend <br />Egand-Cheeks Highway 70 Corr(dor Oveday District <br />QPre-designated commercial area <br />o tooa <br />®~ <br />c) Application Criteria. The requirements of this Section apply to all non-residential <br />land uses and developments within the Highway 70 Overlay District except for existing <br />non-residential land uses located within previously established general commercial or <br />Existing Commercial Five (EC-5) zoning districts. <br />d) Location of Non-residential development: Non-residential development within the <br />Highway 70 Corridor shall be limited to the following: <br />1. Pre-designated commercial area as indicated on the Orange County Zoning <br />Atlas, and <br />2. Along Highway 70 <br />In accordance with the standards contained within this Ordinance. <br />