Orange County NC Website
Post August 27, 2007 Public Hearing Amendments and Responses <br />Staff has prepared responses to comments and questions made by BOCC and Planning Board <br />members at the Quarterly Public Hearing and has included this document at Attachment 4. <br />Attachment 1 is the proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendments with post-Quarterly Public <br />Hearing text revisions in Section 6.25 shown in strike-through/underline format (see pages 6-12 <br />of the agenda abstract). <br />Planning Board Recommendation: The Planning Board considered the proposed text <br />amendment at its regular meeting on September 5, 2007. The Planning Board voted 6-3 in <br />favor of recommending approval of the text amendment. (Planning Board vote - `Yes': Bryan, <br />Crawford, Goodwin, Pelissier, Quinn, Wegner; `No': Kempinski, Price, Lasris; Absent: Knight, <br />Schmitt). As the Draft Planning Board minutes indicate (Attachment 5), there was a motion on <br />the floor to consider holding an additional public outreach meeting. This motion failed by a 2-7 <br />vote. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact. Staff time has been accounted for in <br />the departmental budget. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board adopt the Zoning Text and <br />Atlas amendments as presented (incorporating the changes that have been proposed since the <br />Quarterly Public Hearing which are indicated in strike-through/underline text). <br />