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Attachment 5 <br />23 <br />103 Sam Lasris: You are talking about mom and pop businesses? <br />104 <br />105 Perdita Holtz: In the pre-designated commercial area, you may get more than Mom and Pop businesses. <br />106 <br />107 Sam Lasris: My question about the floor space is that we need an example of a space. Will there be cluster buildings <br />108 on those lots? Do we limit the options of the shape of buildings? I can see professionals using that space but the <br />109 building structure may not permit the larger commercial businesses. <br />110 <br />111 Perdita Holtz: This was an issue that some members of the task force talked about quite a bit. There is a floor area <br />112 ratio that is not large but rather is envisioned for a smaller scale commercial or office businesses. We are not <br />113 envisioning large scale office uses. It is also part of the urban design feature to maintain the character along Hwy 70. <br />114 <br />115 Sam Lasris: How many miles does the dotted area encompass? <br />116 <br />117 Perdita Holtz: About one and one half miles. <br />118 <br />119 Bernadette Pelissier: I am unclear about the floor area ratio; does this mean there is a change in density? <br />120 <br />121 Perdita Holtz: We are expecting conversions of some of those residential structures. The floor area ratio is a change <br />122 from what is there now. It will double the allowable floor ratio. Density usually refers to residential development. The <br />123 floor area ratio is currently .08. It would increase to .20 in the pre-designated commercial area with a maximum <br />124 building size of 20,000 square feet. <br />125 <br />126 Bernadette Pelissier: Is there any water and sewer work in that area? <br />127 <br />128 Perdita Holtz: There is an RFP in process to hire an engineering consultant to work on a master plan for sewer <br />129 service. Water service through OAWS is currently available throughout this area. <br />130 <br />131 Craufurd Goodwin: Ben Lloyd spoke angrily about the development. I presume he is one of the three people. <br />132 <br />133 Perdita Holtz: As I recall, Mr. Lloyd only spoke on the comp plan at the Quarterly Public Hearing. Mr. Lloyd owns <br />134 land further towards Hillsborough. <br />135 <br />136 Michelle Kempinski: 1 would like to make a recommendation or motion that there were a lot people that were present <br />137 at the Public Hearing who did not speak. There was nobody from the community that was on the Task Force. <br />138 <br />139 Perdita Holtz: Margaret McAdoo lives in the general area and is on the Task Force. <br />140 <br />141 Michelle Kempinski: I would like to suggest that there be a meeting held in that area that would allow open <br />142 discussion about the changes that will betaking place. <br />143 <br />144 Jay Bryan: You are proposing that be done before it is adopted on October 9. If we make a recommendation for <br />145 approval it would be considered on that date. <br />146 <br />147 Michelle Kempinski: This task force did have several meetings about this area and there was a high turnout of <br />148 people in the area that came to these meetings. <br />149 <br />150 Jay Bryan: Your desire is that be done prior to adoption. <br />151 <br />