Orange County NC Website
FINAL DRAFT RECONIlVIBNDED FOR ADOPTION Attachment 1 12 <br />(Changes made after Aug. 27 QPH are in strike-through/underline format) <br />fifteen (15) €eet feet wide vegetative buffer along all <br />common property lines separating non-residential and <br />residential land uses. The required plantings shall be in <br />accordance with those required for Buffer Yards Type A <br />outlined within Article Twelve (12) of the Zoning <br />Ordinance. There shall be a minimum eight (8) ~€eet meet <br />wide landscaped strip along all property lines separating <br />non-residential uses from non-residential uses. The <br />landscaped strip ,shall be comprised of vegetation that <br />forms asemi-opaque intermittent visual obstruction from <br />the ground to a height of at least fifteen (15) feet. Joint use <br />agreements between adjacent property owners for shared <br />ingress/egress and/or parking may result in a waiver <br />regarding the exact location(s) of the required buffers. <br />3. The entire area surrounding the foundation of the new <br />building shall be landscaped in scale with adjacent <br />structures. <br />iv. Signage <br />1. Signage for non-residential uses shall conform to all <br />requirements within Article Nine (9) of the Zoning <br />Ordinance. In addition, only e~e-p~ monument style <br />signs that do not exceed six (6) feet in height are permitted <br />~~^'' "° ••^^~~~~•°~' within the Highway 70 Zoning Overlay <br />District. Pole signs sl~a-l-l-r~e~ are not permitted. <br />v. Site Design and Layout for all construction/renovation: <br />1. The natural topography of the property shall be preserved to <br />the greatest extent possible to avoid stormwater runoff onto <br />adjacent properties. <br />2. Any and all existing natural features (i.e. streams, ponds, <br />hillsides, unique vegetation, mature trees, etc) shall be <br />protected and preserved through the site planning and <br />development process. <br />3. The siting of buildings shall be done to preserve to the greatest <br />extent possible scenic views/vistas. <br />vi. Parking Lot Design: <br />1. Required parking shall be located at the side or rear of the <br />structure. <br />2. Shared parking areas shall be encouraged for contiguous non- <br />residential land uses as defined within Article Ten (10) of the <br />Zoning Ordinance. <br />