Orange County NC Website
FINAL DRAFT RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION Attachment 1 10 <br />(Changes made after Aug. 27 QPH are in strike-through/underline format) <br />property includes the outside display of goods for sale such as automobiles, <br />boats, mobile homes, etc., and the materials stored outside are for sale. <br />7. Architectural Standards: <br />i. Buildings: <br />1. Under no circumstances shall modern corporate franchise <br />building design be permitted. Franchise or `chain' <br />businesses desiring to locate in the Highway 70 Overlay <br />District shall be required to design the building in <br />accordance with these guidelines. For purposes of this <br />paragraph "modern corporate franchise build~in~ design" <br />means a building desi~~ that is trademarked, branded, or <br />easily identified with a particular chain or corporation and <br />is ubiquitous in nattin•e. <br />2. Drive-through facilities are prohibited on all non-residential <br />uses. <br />3. Mirrored glass sk~a-11 is k~c-strittl-y prohibited. <br />4. Similar architectural style and orientation s#e~ must be <br />observed to compliment surrounding structures. <br />5. Similar building materials sly must be utilized when <br />constructing the new structure including exterior finish. <br />Acceptable materials include: brick, wood, stone, stucco, <br />marble, and other similar materials. <br />6. Building elevations shall be designed to be architecturally <br />treated to avoid long, blank building facades. <br />7. Windows on the street frontage side of a building shall be <br />limited to forty percent (40%) of the total building facade. <br />8. The principle building shall be oriented. facing towards the <br />fi•ontin std reet. <br />9. Tt,^ ~,.•;,~^;,,~°, A functional doorway for public or direct- <br />entry access into a building she~tlfl-h~ shall be provided <br />from the fronting street. Corner entrances should be <br />provided on corner lot buildings. This standard does not <br />preclude the ability to provide additional entrances to a <br />building. <br />10. Decorative cornices shall be provided for buildings with a <br />flat roof, defined as roofs with a pitch less than 3:12. <br />Alternatively, eaves slae~~l~l sl~al l be provided with a pitched <br />roof, defined as roofs with a pitch greater than 3:12. <br />Pitched roofs are generally preferred over flat roofs. <br />