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<br /> KAREN
<br /> 4-11 Moe Shae Htoo,
<br /> CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1A ' „ who has been
<br /> x r
<br /> conceived, grew out of a � "±�� working with
<br /> meeting between activists " FRANK gallery
<br /> Fran Hamer and Nerys Levy. � _ ' photographer
<br /> Hamer has been involved Barbara Tyrol-
<br /> with the local Karen popula- _ ~�° r er,has several
<br /> tion for several years,working `"Q photographs in
<br /> to get books for the refugee . 52k 1 k the exhibit.
<br /> immigrants and to found a
<br /> school where the children
<br /> could learn their native Ian- See more art
<br /> •
<br /> guage.
<br /> "Some of the kids were Want to see more artwork by residents from Burma?Visit
<br /> pretty good at drawing;" The Art Therapy Institute,2nd floor of Carr Mill Mall,at 6 p.m.
<br /> Hamer said."That is when I Friday for the opening celebration of the 5th Annual"Journeys
<br /> decided they needed to have to a Different Landscape"art show'featuring art and stories
<br /> some venue in Order to ex- created by refugees in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools.
<br /> press themselves besides,
<br /> school."Having just met Le- tropical place where they these kids are all trying to
<br /> vy,who organizes the annual feel comfortable.We are also find their place in our Chapel
<br /> Orange County Community trying to incorporate the Hill/Carrboro culture."
<br /> Dinner, Hamer got the chil- new with the old. The stu-' Chapel Hill High School
<br /> dren involved in the dinner. dents showed at FRANK in art teacher Hollie Taylor has
<br /> When Levy learned of the March in a show"Connect- been working with Kchdoh-
<br /> youth's artistic talents she ing the Old with the New." moo Juelah and Paw Paw
<br /> suggested they visit FRANK This show is an extension of Wei for three yearsin school
<br /> gallery.on Franklin Street. that show." helping them hone their
<br /> "When the students Levy, like Jameson, has a skills in ceramics.
<br /> walked in,they could not be- decades-long connection to "They understand the
<br /> lieve a place could look like the Karen people having properties and possibilities
<br /> that," flamer said. "They done her PhD at London of clay.They love it and get
<br /> were astounded.It was beau- Modern South its responsiveness," Taylor
<br /> tiful. They had a ball there Asian History. said. "Their hands seem to
<br /> too." "In spite of what these kids know it."Taylor has learned
<br /> An idea was born to form a have gone through,they are the "ways of the Karens'
<br /> group for the Karen youth to so positive and warm," she homeland;and how the refu-
<br /> create art with FRANK art- said.And,she stresses,very gee camps looked."I've seen
<br /> ists, and lives began to. talented artists.Some of the a recurring image of Kwe Ka
<br /> change.Weekly meetings be- striking paintings in the Baung, an important moun-
<br /> gantakingplace.either at the. show are their first or se- tam in the Karen. of
<br /> gallery or at Transplanting' cond.."They are so excited Burma. This mountain is.a
<br /> Traditions Farm on Jones about challenging them- part of their identity."
<br /> Ferry Road where.many Ka- selves with new possibilities Others involved in this
<br /> rens have gardens. Most of in this country. I am very project include Sandy Mil-
<br /> the youth,ages 15-23,in the' moved by their reactions. It roy, Mary Stone Lamb, Kip
<br /> group lived in Thailand refu- is a privilege to work with Gerard, Barnett Parker, Da-
<br /> gee camps after escaping po- them.We have learned a lot vid Taylor, Shelley Crisp,
<br /> litical repression,in Myan- from them." Townsend Ludington, and
<br /> mar (Burma).Hamer trans- Moe Shae Htoo, who has Ada Farber. Other students
<br /> ports the youth to and from been working with FRANK with work in the show in-
<br /> the weekly meetings and has. photographer Barbara Tyrol- chide Slaw Law, Ywa Blu,
<br /> joined in the fun of making er, has several photographs Lah Htoo.;Boh, Paw Boh,
<br /> art with them. A few of her in the exhibit."It is wonder-. Hen Moo;and Lweh Moo.
<br /> paintings are in the exhibit ful seeing Moe jumping all . Jameson does not want:
<br /> and-have samples of writing over the place, getting up this project,which was sup-
<br /> in the,Karen language at- high, going down low, and ported by a grant from the
<br /> tached to them. doing creative composition Orange County Arts Com-
<br /> Making art is an integral and design," said Tyroler. mission, to end. "I hope we
<br /> facet of the weekly meetings "He soaked up everything I will continue to find funding
<br /> but food(rice and curry pre- told him and more.The kids for this so we can not only
<br /> pared by Levy) and friend- really loved having him do continue,but also'expand its
<br /> ship share the stage. the documentation rather scope to include more kids in
<br /> "We are on first name than me." need of finding a connection
<br /> terms and have a family at- .Tyroler, who along with to their creative being."
<br /> mosphere," said Levy, a Levy is in ,charge of
<br /> FRANK member artist."We . FRANK's community out- Contact Deborah R.Meyer at
<br /> try to make everybody feel reach and education, has 'writetoeloise
<br /> comfortable through food worked over the years with
<br /> and art.The students are al- many community residents.
<br /> ways painting their home- "I think that what is unique
<br /> land- a real or imagined about this situation is that
<br />