Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:7FB82F39-7614-4970-85EE-75887FBF57E6 <br /> To whom it may concern, <br /> I was a presenter in the Diversabilities series in 2015. I loved being part of this well <br /> organized and committed group of people that came together. By collaborating <br /> together,we were able to provide a wide range of forums, exhibits,public events <br /> and artistic presentations. This was a unique offering under one umbrella that <br /> included the University, non-profit arts and government organizations and the <br /> community. Making this an annual, on-going event will continue to build <br /> partnerships across this broad span of people and resource and encourage on-going <br /> networks of support for families and individuals with diverse abilities. <br /> I am writing to express my support for funding to keep this successful and <br /> important cross community collaboration alive and thriving. <br /> Sincerely yours, <br /> Amy Elliott Ph.D. LPC <br /> Artistic Director,Acting is Awesome! <br />