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<br /> mrl:Lhl ml <br />0 <br />Fic)rnt-. > f~'la~ter Publication List> Farmers' Markets <br /> <br />1~~~ Janet Bachmann <br />NC;~'T Agriculture Specialist <br />Published 2002 <br />"f'1'Rf\ Publication #IP146 <br /> <br />The printable PDF version of the entire document <br />is available at: <br />http://attra.ncat.ora/attra-pub/PDF/farmma rket. pdf <br />4 pages - 80I{ <br />Download Acrobat Reader <br />The number of farmers' markets in the U.S. has increased <br />dramatically over the past two decades. This publication <br />is a resource for those who want to organize a farmers' <br />market or to sell atone. <br />This j~ublication contains references to an enclosure <br />which is available in hard copy only. Please call our toll <br />free number to receive a copy at 1-800-346-9140. <br />'~,~ble off' ICot~tents <br />E Introdt.~cti~~n <br />~--~i')?illll;'.lilS_' i NC'bV Nlal'lcet <br />i c~clcral ;\tisi:,,lance: b~~IC FrU1NP and SF(vINP <br />© i e'I";UI1Ii ~TLiCCc1SS at a Fal'lllei'S' Mal'ket <br />1'll!'thl'r h.eSUlIrCeS <br />Ir4t~°o~~>Laetion <br />,r...._r <br />~l; <br />g-y / ~ 1t,,, z ,..t Y ~ <br />YVYVW. C11p~U't..CUm <br />Farmers' markets are an ancient method used by farmers worldwide to sell their produce <br />directly to consumers. As U.S. food production became increasingly industrialized and <br />specialized. farmers' markets were replaced by brokers and supermarkets. In the past two <br />decades, hoti-vever, farmers' markets in the U.S. have rapidly regained popularity. <br />Farmers rind a number of advantages in selling at farmers' markets. By selling directly ro <br />(heir customers ~-without going through middlemen, farmers can charge retail prices for their <br />produce. A farmers' market is a good place for new growers who are perfecting production <br />I oI' h 10/2/07 9;12 Ah9 <br />