Agenda - 10-09-2007-6b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-09-2007
Agenda - 10-09-2007-6b
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31 <br />Other Rules and Precedent Used to Operate the Market <br />1. .A copy of the By-Laws must be given to each member. <br />2. ,-111 suggestions, complaints, comments must be presented in writing to the Board of <br />Directors, signed by the member with their name, address, and telephone number. <br />3. A current directory of all members with voting status will be given to all members at each <br />annual meeting. <br />~l. Space Assignment and Seniority System for all members eligible to reserve a selling space: <br />a. space assigned previous season i.s automatically re-assigned. <br />b. request for different or additional space will be assigned, if space available, first•come <br />i~irst served, by seniority system: <br />l . number of years with 17 weeks or more, if tie: <br />2. number of years with 27 weeks or more <br />3. if tie in number of years with 17 weeks or more but no years over 27 weelcs <br />4. if tie at 17 and 27 weelcs then total number of weeks over 17 breaks tie. <br />5. 15 space limit on sellers who produce only crafts or prepared foods (e.g. baked goods). <br />Crafts and prepared foods vendors can reserve only one space. <br />6. Members wishing fo sell a new category of product (example-a baker now wants to sell <br />produce) than they previously have, must fill out a new application and be approved by the <br />Board of Directors. <br />.7. Number of weeks sold at either market count towards 17 needed for active/voting member <br />requirement as long as riot from both markets in the same week(s). <br />Temporary Seller Program: <br />a. New temporary seller- new applicant <br />b. Uld temporary seller- associate member from previous years <br />c. Priority for assigning open spaces during market season is: old temps, old temps from the <br />other. market, new temps (farmers have priority over crafts and bakers). <br />d. Temporary sellers cats loose space at any time if all reserved spaces are filled. <br />e. Temporary sellers must call the manager Thursday evening before they plan to sell on <br />Saturday to see if there is space for them. <br />f. if a temporary seller sells 17 weeks or more then they become a full active member of the <br />market. <br />9. A minimum of 7 active members must be reinspected each year. <br />10. No more than 50% of the spaces under the shelters may be reserved by multiple space <br />vendors. <br />11. Vendors requesting a second space must file a request with the Market Manager at he <br />beginning of the selling season prior to the year in which you want the second space. <br />12. A farm unit is defined as one business. <br />
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