Orange County NC Website
Category 3 estimated % of sales <br />a~ <br />These are products that require more stringent inspections, regulation, and usually refrigeration. <br />Acidified foods like pickles and relishes (these require the FDA short course certification): <br />Cheese and other dairy products: <br />Meat (requires a meat handler's license obtained form NCDA Division of Meat and Poultry): <br />Fish: <br />Category 4 estimated % of sales <br />Crafts I°dote: If you are applying for craft vendor status you must also read the Guidelines for Non Farm crafts <br />(found below.) All craft/artisan applications must include 4 photographs or slides showing a representation of <br />the items to be sold. <br />Farm Crafts: produced predominately from materials grown or harvested by craft person <br />Non-I{'artn Crafts: made with products not grown or harvested by craft person <br />Ne~r~ Vendor Background Information (The more descriptive and inclusive you are describing your operation, <br />the better able eve are to evaluate your application.) <br />How much area do you have in production? <br />How long have you been producing these products? <br />How long have you been farming? <br />How do you currently market your products? <br />What percentage do the different types of markets comprise? <br />Do you sell at other Farmers' Markets in the area? Which ones and for how long? <br />Have you ever been to either the Saturday or Wednesday Carrboro or the Thursday Southern Village Markets? <br />How does the Chapel Nill-Carrboro Markets, Inc. fit into your marketing plans? <br />