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a3 <br />general charge and supervision of the books and records of the corporation. He/she shall <br />serve all notices required by law and by these by-laws and shall make a full report of all <br />matters and business pertaining to the office at the annual membership meeting. He/she <br />shall make a]1 reports required by the corporation of the Board of Directors. The <br />Secretary shall ]seep a complete list of members and farm units, agents, and employees of <br />the corporation and their addresses and telephone numbers and may issue a certificate o1• <br />card to each new member. The Treasurer shall perform all duties with respect to the <br />finances of the corporation as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors as provided in <br />Article V, Section 4. He/she shall make a full report of ail matters and business <br />pertaining to the office at the annual membership meeting. Upon election of a successor, <br />the Secretary and Treasurer shall turn over all books and other properly belonging to tl~e <br />corporation which may be in their possession. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer <br />may be combined into one office of Secretary-Treasurer. <br />Section 4: Succession of Officers: In case of death, resignation, or inability of an officer <br />to perform the duties of his office, the Board of Directors may declare the office vacant <br />and elect the officer's successor as provided in Article IV, Section 4. <br />ARTICLE VII <br />GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />Section l : Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the corporation shall begin on the first day of <br />January and end the last day of December in each year. <br />Section 2: Inspection of Records: All books and records of the corporation may be <br />i~lspected by any active or associate member or his/her attorney for any proper purposes <br />at any reasonable time. <br />Section 3: Committees: Any business function of the corporation may be delegated to a <br />committee of active members by the Board of Directors. These committees shall <br />investigate, plan, regulate, and oversee airy function of the corporation within the <br />approval of the Board of Directors. However, the Directors may not avoid their <br />responsibilities foi• the business of the corporation by delegating to committees. A <br />committee chairman inay be elected by a committee unless otherwise provided in these <br />by-laws. <br />ARTICLE VIII <br />AMENDMENTS <br />Section l : Amendments to the Charter/Articles of Incorporation: The Charter/Articles of <br />Incoi•poi•ation may be altered, amended, or repealed only by atwo-thirds majority vote of <br />the active membership at any regular or special meeting. Intention to seek a change in <br />the Charter/Articles of Incorporation must be filed with the Secretary in writing at least <br />~10 days before the meeting where it is to be considered and before the notice of such <br />meeting has been provided to members. A change in the Charter/Articles of <br />