Orange County NC Website
a~ <br />Section 10: Removal: Any member of the Board of Directors may be removed for cause <br />by atwo-thirds vote of the active membership voting at a special or regular membership <br />meeting, Any active member may initiate a vote to remove, but such vote may be taken <br />only after the active. membership of the corporation has had at least 30 days and not more <br />than 60 days written notice of the member's intention to initiate a vote to remove. The <br />duty of the notification shall rest upon the member or members seeking the vote to <br />remove. <br />ARTICLE V <br />DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS <br />Section 1: Management of Business: The Board of Directors shall have general <br />supervision and control of the affairs of the corporation and shall make all rules and <br />regulations not inconsistent with the law of the state of North Carolina or with these by- <br />laws for the management of the business and guidance of the members, employees, and <br />agents of the corporation. This shall include a power to levy a fee for any services <br />provided by the corporation for its members, provided the exact fees to be levied, if any, <br />are approved by a majority vote of the active voting membership at any regular or special <br />membership meeting before they can go into effect. The Board of Directors shall have <br />the authority to promulgate an ethical code of conduct to regulate the activities of <br />members at events sponsored by the corporation or under the general auspices thereof. <br />The Board of Directors shall require proper records to be kept of all business <br />transactions. <br />Section 2: Employees: The Board of Directors shall have the power to employ or to <br />authorize the employment of such employees as may be deemed necessary and to fix <br />their compensation at a fair market value or a reasonable amount for the services <br />rendered. <br />Section 3: Bonds and Insurance: The Board of Directors may require officers, agents, <br />and employees charged by the corporation with responsibility for the custody of any of its <br />fi~nas or negotiable instruments to give adequate bonds. Such bonds, unless cash security <br />is given, shall be furnished by a responsible bonding company and approved by the <br />Board of Directors, and the cost thereof shall be paid by the corporation. The Board of <br />Directors shall provide for the adequate insurance of the property of the association, or <br />property which may be in possession of the association, or stored by it, and not otherwise <br />adequately insured. In addition, the Board of Directors shall provide adequate insurance <br />covering liability for accidents to all employees and the public. <br />Section 4: C1lecics and Drafts: All checks, drafts, or orders for the payment of money, <br />notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the corporation shall be <br />signed by the Treasurer, provided however that the Board of Directors may authorize any <br />active member to sign any or all such checks, drafts, etc., on behalf of the corporation. <br />Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. <br />