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~5 <br />W8BNMSWD <br />by-laws.doc <br />BY-LAWS <br />OF THE <br />CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO FARMERS' MARKET, INC. <br />ARTICLE I <br />PURPOSE AND GOALS . <br />Section 1: Purpose and Powers:. The purpose for which this association is formed and <br />the powers which it may exercise are set forth in the Articles of Incorporation of the <br />association. <br />Section 2: Goals: the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Farmers' Market, Inc. is being founded to <br />promote direct marketing of farm products from the original producer to the consumer. <br />The goal of the corporation is to operate farmers' markets in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />area which serve the dual purpose of providing (1) a direct retail outlet for local farmers <br />thereby promoting local agriculture, and (2) an alternative buying arrangement for <br />consumers where high quality fresh products are available at reasonable prices in an <br />atmosphere conducive to the exchange of information and ideas between the original <br />producer and the consumer. <br />ARTICLE II <br />MEMBERSHIP AND DUES <br />Section 1: General Membership: The membership of this. corporation shall be active, <br />associate, and honorary. Voting, payment of dues, and parking space reservations are <br />carried out on a per farm unit basis. A farm unit consists of any member or group of <br />members cooperatively producing farm products under one farm name, including any <br />members of their immediate families who are involved in the farm operation. Only <br />active and associate members are eligible to sell at markets operated by the corporation. <br />All members must abide by the rules, regulations, and by-laws of this corporation <br />including the market rules which are determined by the active membership at the annual <br />membership meeting. A copy of the market rules will be given to each member of the <br />corporation. The definition of farm products which may be sold by members at markets <br />operated by the corporation will be determined by the Board of Directors and included in <br />the market rules. <br />Section 2: Active Members: Any individual who is actively engaged in the production <br />of the farm products he/she sells, who is the original producer of all such farm products, <br />and who meets the qualifications for membership of the corporation as stated in Article <br />II, Section 7 and the requirements set forth below, may become an active member upon <br />application, acceptance by the Board of Directors, and payment of dues. The Board of <br />Directors of the corporation shall have the power at any time to determine who is eligible <br />for active membership according to the rules of the corporation and to set a limit on the <br />number of active members according to the size and number of selling locations. <br />A. Active members are members who represent farm units which have sold at <br />