Orange County NC Website
l~:u~rr.:~r~' '1'1nrl~i~ts <br />540-886-8477 <br />I~tiblicalions fI'olil atl OI'gai71Zat1011 or agency <br />Farmors' Markets. 1991. By Charles Marr and Karen Gast. Kansas State University <br />Cooperative Extension Service, Manhattan, ICS. MF-1019. 8 p. -Available free of charge <br />I'ron~: <br />Cooperativo Extension Service <br />I~:ansas State University <br />Manhattan, ICS G6506 <br />785-532-6173 <br />Creating a Farmers' Market Starting from Nowhere. 1.990. By Jean P. Feingold. Florida <br />Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. University of <br />Florida. <br />Farmer Direct Niarl<eting Bibliography 2001. By Jennifer-Claire V. Klotz. <br />USDA/,AMS/"1~~~1P/\V&AM, Washington, D.C. 52 p. <br />Includes a section listing farmers'-market-related publications. Updated regularly at the <br />''~~`` ` ' • Web site, anc! can be downloaded from there. <br />,; .: ,_.r_rr~~~:~r C:~ire~~~ iUlarketin~ <br />I3C~'ioclicttl5 <br />C;n~~.~'ir~>. I~c~r i1l~u'ke.t <br />P.O. I3ox 3747 <br />Lawrence, ICS 66046 <br />800-307-8949 <br />~;r~:;~~, in~~-Irn~,r~;et«t: carth{ <br />Subscription to the monthly publication of news and ideas for market gardeners is $30 per <br />year, Checa: the. Web site for other publications, Farm Tours, alld 11111CS t0 i7lany additlOnal <br />I'esOUiCes, <br />`V'~t~l'b SiECs <br />Ll`~;I~~A/i1<,~riculhrr~rl .~1~iarketin~ Service <br />A number of publications listed on this Web site can be downloaded or ordered <br />electronically. Or contact: <br />Velma R. Eakins <br />\Vllolesale and Alternative Markets Program-USDA <br />P.oom 26~I4-South <br />I~I00 Independonce Ave. S.W. <br />1Vashin~ton, DC 20250-0269 <br />202-C90-0031 FAX <br />velma.lakins « <br />t.:~il:~~\ ;"~\_1`_~; f~lrmer l.~irect. T\~Iarketin~7 Funding Assistance <br />Information about several programs that provide support through technical assistance or <br />Paneling can be found at this Web site. <br /><t.hi ml <br />13 <br />,;;' ;; 10/2/07 9:12 A~9 <br />