Orange County NC Website
Farmers' Vlarl:cls•a-pub/farmi»rkt.html <br />~~ <br />Vocal and state regulations. How is the market affected by health and safety <br />st~u~dtu•ds for food handling? <br />;<115L1raY1CC, Physical liability insurance in case of injuries or accidents can be <br />purchased by the market or by individual vendors. <br />The enclosed articles will help you to answer some of these questions. Materials listed <br />unrler f urtfler Rcsotn•ceti are also useful, not only for ideas, but for examples of how <br />various markets have written their by-laws, rules, and regulations. <br />An established fart~ners' markets can be among the jewels.of the community, and for this <br />reason should have strong support from the Chamber of Commerce or economic <br />development council. Cities often provide space for a market free-of-charge. They can also <br />help promote special events and that draw customers both to the market and to shops in the <br />vicinity. 'The city may be willing to construct shelters to give vendors and customers <br />protection From rain and sun. <br />>n: i~; ;~ ~ 1, ~l~ <br />~~'~~~e~•t~~ E~ssi ytaa~~eo 'S'IC, F'I1/II~1P ~»cl SFIVINP' <br />A federal program that benefits both vendors and low-income customers is the Women, <br />Infants, and Chilch•en (WIC) Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP), established in <br />1992. It provides special coupons to WIC participants, which they can ttse to purchase <br />fresh fruits and vegetables at participating farmers' markets. The program has two goals: <br />To provide fresh nutritious unprepared food such as fruits and vegetables to WIC <br />participants who are at nutritional risk; and <br />"ho expand consumer awareness and use of farmers' markets. <br />During Fiscal fear 2000, ] 2,897 farmers and 1,622 farmers' markets were authorized to <br />accept (~MN1' coupons. The most current information on the program can be found at the <br />(.1`~1:~:'-~ ~utriti~.~n !'~5~;istance Programs ~~~'eb site. <br />A new Seniors Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) awards grants to states, U. <br />S. territories, and federally recognized tribal governments to provide low-income seniors <br />with coupons that can be exchanged at farmers' markets, roadside stands, and community <br />supl~orfed agriculture (CSA) programs. Go to the USDA Nutrition Assistance Programs <br />~~', C'l) ~itc for more details and to learn whether the program is operating in your state. <br />Additional information on USDA efforts to assist farmers' markets can be found at the <br />~:;'~'I:~:; I~arrrlers ,Vlark~~ts `~~eb site. <br />i',_~t h_r~~ to <br />~-cd-s~r~z ~ ~t~c~ess tat ~ I~,~ra~er~' l~Ia~~~eet <br />A successful market depends on successful vendors. Lynn Bycynski, editor and publisher <br />of G,°rnvir,,~~ fo,- Mcr,-/;~~, put together a special issue on how to be successful at farmers' <br />mtu•kets. In a nutshell, Bycynski advises: <br />Offer the highest-quality products. <br />Set fair prices. <br />3 oi' t; 10/2/07 9: 12 r1 ~t9 <br />