Orange County NC Website
1 <br />TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />A12TICLE L' CLIEXT'S RESPO;VSItttLIT1E5 <br />~) Client's Representative: The Client shall appoint a reprcstnlatiwe <br />authorirtd to act on the Clirm's hehall'uith respect m the Pntjcct. The C'licnt or <br />its rcprestntativt shall nrtkc decisions in a timeh manner regarding uIl aspects nl <br />the Pmject. shall exmnint documents suhmined by Summit Consuhing 1?ngineers <br />ihtrcinaficr referred u+ as SummiU and render decision: in a tinttl+ manner to <br />avoid unrcasonahlc d+aay in the uritrrlr and sequential progress nl' Summit's <br />services and the Protect schedule accepted he Client. <br />B) Client's Pro+~ram and Kud~,:ct Rryuirentents: Clicttt shall provide Summit <br />lull inlitnnatian in a timcl~ manner regarding all its rciluiromtnts for the Prnjrrt <br />including its nbjcctivts. schedule, crittna. a+nstrainu and hud~±rt includin_~ <br />reasrntablt eonungtncies. <br />C.') Right oi' Entry: C'litnt shall pnwidt right of tnlrv Car Summit. its stall: <br />;uhconsultants.:ntd all nteessan equipment to iomplete the ~L`urk. Summit ++•ill <br />take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to propem. Client understands <br />that in the norntal course of ~+ork some damage may occur, [he enrrci:tion of <br />which is not pan of this .Agreement. <br />D) Required- Information: Client will furnish Summit all infarmatian. <br />rcyuircments, data, reports, suneys and instructions required to complete the <br />Scope al Strvi+as. including identihing the type and location of undergnuntd <br />intpmvcnttnts and utilities. and all existing conditions. Swnmit shall have the <br />n~~ht to rely upon the cumple;tenes> and accuracy of such infiinnetiun Client <br />ackna+wledges that certain assumptions ++•ill he made regarding existing conditions <br />that cannot he verified +vithout destruction ar damage to exxisting facilities. 'fo the <br />fullest txt+:nt permitted by law. Client agrees to +vaive all claims a~~ainst. and to <br />hold hamtless and indemnilc. Summit and its subeonsultants. I'or damages to <br />under4_round improvements and utilities and tar any costs associated with <br />undisclosed existing conditions. <br />E) Im'oices: Summit will render invoices every thirty days. Payment is due <br />upon presentation of invoice mtd is past due thirh• (30) days from imaice date. <br />Client agrees to pa}~ a serict charge of one and one half percent (1':i°'o) per <br />month. or the maximum rate allo+ved h. la+w. nn past dot accounts. Payment of <br />invoices shall not be subject to any discounts. set-oli's. or backcharges by Client <br />unless agreed to itt +ariting by Summit. Client shall pay all costs. expenses. and <br />distributions, including collection agency fees and expenses. court ousts and <br />reasonable attomtvs' fees incurred by Summit, in the event colection or legal <br />processes arc employed to collect ouutanding hilts. <br />F) Sales Tax: Client +will pay any applicable sales tax +chcncvcr deumtd to bt <br />due. Pavnttnt ttrnts are exclusive of sales tax. <br />ARTICLE Il: SUM1Il4IPI''S RF.SPOVSIi311,ITIF.S <br />.~) Standard of Care: Summit shall pertbnn the services called tier by this <br />:lgrecment +vith the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the <br />same professions currenth• practicing under similar conditions. No other <br />+varranty. expressed or implied. is made. Client ackno+eledges that increased <br />costs and changes may bt required dtie to omission.~ambiguities and <br />inconsistencies in the dra+ings and specifications. Client agrces to set aside a <br />contingency of at least 3°rb oC dtt Project constnletirnt cost to pay tier these costs <br />and changes. Client further agrees it will make no claims against Summit 1'or any <br />such costs and ch:mges covered by such contingency fund. <br />ti) Complinncc with Laws, Codes and Standards: Consistent +with the <br />professional standard of +:are. Summit will annply +aitli la++~s. codes. and <br />standards applicable to the Project design as of the efective date of this <br />Agreement or the issuance of the construction plans and specifications. whichever <br />is later. <br />C) Certificafions: Summit shall sign, if requested by Client, a statement that to <br />the best of its knot+itdge, infornation and belies; based in whole or in pan an <br />inl'omtation provided by others. the accuracy of +vhich has not been verified. that <br />the Project has been completed in general conibrmanee with the plans and <br />specifications. Summit shall oat be required to sign mty documents. no matter by <br />tivhom requested. in which Summit is required to certilj•, guarantee or warrant dte <br />existence of conditions the existence aF++•hich Summit has not ur cannot ascertain. <br />D) Construction Phase Services: If constrnction phase services are required in <br />the Scope of Services. the lotlo++'ing tcnns shall apph~: <br />11 Site Observation: If site ohscrvation visits arc la he provided by Summit. <br />Summit shall visit the rile at inter•als appropriate to the stag: (>f the constntaion. <br />or as otherwise expressly agreed to in the Scope oi' Services. in order to observe <br />[he pmgnss and qualiq' of the +vork camplctcd by the contractor. Such <br />obscrvatian is not ntram to hr an exhaustive check or a detailed inspection ul'the <br />eontraetor's work but rather to allow Summit to btcontt eenerally familiar with <br />the proeress of the V+'ork and ,to dctermint in general it the work is being <br />pcrti>rmtd in a manner indicating that. when Cully completed. the work will ht in <br />accordance with the Contract Documents. Summit shall not be rcyuircd to make <br />continuous or exhaustive inspections to check the yuantitw and qualiq• of the work <br />nor shall Sunnnit be responsible liar the.Cuntractor's failure to perlomt the Wurk in <br />accordance +vilh the Contract 17acumtnu. <br />~) Rejection of ~\'urk: Summit shall have dte authority ui rzject am +vork of the <br />ntntra+:0.+rs that is ni+t. in Summit'; professional lud_^_ntent. in accordance ~+ith the <br />l itnstructiun fh+cuntcnts. Neither dtis uuthorit~ nor the ~zuoil li~ith lud_mrnt t+t r+:jcct <br />or not reject auty such pork shall subject Summit tit am liahilit+ ur cause nl' artian on <br />behalf of th+: cantracturs. subcontractors nr am other suppliers nr p+:nons pcrtbnnin~~ <br />poniints of llte +vi+rk on the Prgjcct. <br />3) tiy'nrk Site Safety: C'liem agrees that Summit shall not supcn isr ur direct.:+r hn+c <br />am rcspunsihilit) li+r. control aver nr charge ol: the Contrtctur.;' work i+r the <br />COnilnlCllint ntta115. rl7elht+tls. ltl'Itnlyntj, til'yUl'It~ei or procedures. or tier the +rork <br />site satcq' precautions ur programs in connection +cith the 1Nork. The>t rights and <br />rtsponsinilit;ts are solely thasc of the' pant' or parties performing the acwal <br />construction of the I'rgjtct. Neither the professional acti+itics of Summit. nor the <br />presence ol'Sununit personnel and subcimsuhants at the construction site. shall relieve <br />the Contractors and any other entity of their obligations. duties and respimsihilitits <br />including. but not limited to. construction means. nttthnds. sequence. techniques or <br />procedures necessary for ptrfomting. superintending or coordinating all ponirnts of <br />the 1b'ork safely and in accordance with any health ar safety requirements al' am• <br />regulatory agenc). The Client agrees that the Client. Summit and its suhconsultants <br />shall bt indenmified h+' the Contractors and ;hall he made addiu++nal atoned; under <br />the Contractors' gcnerah umbrella and excess liability insurance policies. <br />d) Submittals and Shop Dra~+•ings: If the Scope of Services includes the rtvie+w nl' <br />Contractor submittals and shop drawings. then Summit will revie++ such submittals <br />and shop drawings for the limited purpose of checking tier conformance with the <br />design concept expressed and the infornation provided in the Construction <br />Documents. '('his revit++ shall not include review of the accuracy or completeness of <br />details. such as quantities. dimensions. weights or gauges, fabrication processes, <br />construction ntcans or methods. coordination of the work +rith other trades or <br />constmction safety precautions. all of whii:h are the respwtsibility of the Crnttractors. <br />The rtvie+v shall he conducted with reasonable promptness while allo+ving sufficient <br />time in Summit's judgment to permit adequate review. Review of a specific item <br />shall not indicate that Summit has reviewed the entire assembly of which the item is a <br />component. Summit shall not he responsible for an}~ deviations liom the Contract <br />Documents not brought to its attention in ++•riting by the Contractor. Summit shall not <br />be required to review partial submissions or those for tehich submissions oCcorrelatcd <br />items have oat been received. <br />S) Requests for Clarification or Interpretation: Summit shall provide. +vith <br />reasonable prompmess. written responses to requests from Contractors for <br />clarilicatinn and interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents. If <br />such requests fur infornation. clarification or interhrMation arc, in 5ummiCs <br />professional opinion, liar inCorntation readily apparent fmm reasonable observation nl' <br />lield conditions or a review of the Crnttract Documents. or reasonably inferable <br />therefrom. Summit shat) bt entitled to additional eompcnsation at iLS regular billing <br />rates for its time spent responding to such requests. <br />6) Record Documents: If rcyuircd by the Scope of Services. upon completion of the <br />y~'ork. Summit shall canpilt for and deliver to the Client a reproducible set of Record <br />Documents conforming to the marked-up prints. drawings and other data famished to <br />Summit by the C'ontracror. ~1'his set of Record Documents will show significant <br />rhnnges made during construction. Because these Recoril Documents are ha5Cil im <br />anvtrilitd information pravidtd b) other parties drat Summit will trssunte to be <br />reliable. Summit cannot and does not warrant their accuracy. <br />E) Insurance: Summit shall maintain worker's compensation insurance required by <br />lain. Summit represents and +varrants that it maintains general liability and property <br />damage insurance. Certificates for such policies shall be provided Io Client upon <br />+vrit[en request. Clitm shall maintain at its o+vn cast and expense, its own general <br />liability and propem• damage insurance. Client and Summit waive all rights against <br />eaoh other and SummiCs subcansultants, agents geld crnployees lix damages caused <br />by any peril to the extent covered by the proptn}' insurance maintained by Client. <br />except In the extent such proceeds arc held h} Client as u~ustte. 'this waiver of <br />subrogation shall he effective as to a ptrsan or tinily even though that person or entity <br />would otherwise have a duty of indemnification, contractual or othenwist. did not pay <br />the insurance premium directly ar indirectly. and whetltcr ur n<tt the person or entity <br />had an insurable interest in the property damaged. <br />Article 111: General Leal Provisions <br />A)• O+wne.rship of llocume.nts: Drt+vings. specifications. and all other do+xrmcnts <br />prepared M• Summit or its suhconsulWnts. including those in electronic Ibmt <br />( "Design Documents") arc instnrments of sea ice. Summit shall retain all <br />common law. staunor and other reserved rights. including copyright thereto. The <br />Dtsi_gn Di+eumcnts. incluifin4.! those in tltetranie fi+rm are furnished t'or use soleh <br />with resp+;ct to this Agretntenl. Client is permitted tit retaut citpies nl' t)te Design <br />L:/GcotechnicaVCnntractslOrangc Cmmty -Construction Materials Testing, Central Orange Senior Centcr.doc (3 of 3) <br />