Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />Documents. including those in electronic furor. fur information and reference in <br />connection +rith the Project. Client shall not use the Design Docmnents. includin, <br />those in electronic titan furnished by Summit or its subconsultants on other <br />projects. for additions to this Project. or tier the completion of` this Pn~ject by <br />others. +cithout the express +vriuen cimsent of Summit. .Any reuse ++ithnm +critten <br />canscm shall be a[ Client's risk and full Iceal responsihilin. Client aJCes to hold <br />harmless and indenutih Summit and its suhcctnulunns Gam am and all claims. <br />suits. demands. damar'es. liabilities. and cost>. including rea~,unahlt attorne} 1'te;. <br />arisimz I~cun uch reuse. <br />13) RMemion of Documents: tiummit ++ill retain. pursuant to its usual dncumem <br />retention polio}. records relating to the t','ork fur a period ul' three t.) }ears <br />1'nllowin~ contplctii»t of the tVork Ihrring this period. records ++iII be made <br />available ur the Client at Summit's office during nornrtl business hi>urs upim <br />seven (7r ilay's notice. <br />(.`) Asbestos and Hazardous Materials: 14tlcss i+thenvise spcciticalh' provided <br />in the Scope of Sen'ices. Summit and its suhconsuhants .hall have no <br />respnnsihilin for the discovcn. presence. handling. removal. or dispi?sal al• <br />asbestos or hazardous or toxic mmerials. <br />IY) 'termination and Suspension: This Agreement mad he temrinated h+ cidter <br />party upon wren (7) days +crinen notice in the event of substantial )'allure by the <br />"other pam• nt perform in accordance wide the terms hereirf. Such termination <br />shall not be ctlective if the substantial failure is remedied heli+re expiration of the <br />seven i71 dart. Client's failure to pap mvoicc> ++'itltjrt dtirt} (3O1 days shall he <br />deemed a suhst:+ntial failure t„ perGtrm. In such c+•ent. Sununii mr,} terntinate <br />this Agreement nr immediately suspend the perfomtanec of sen'ices until such <br />failure has hcen cured. "fhe Client ma}• terminate this .Agreement for its <br />cum~enicnce upon fouttecn (14) days written notice. In the event of a termination <br />I'or convenience. Client Hill pay Summit !i?r services performed to the tcrntinalion <br />effective date plus reasonable tenttination expenses +vithin ten (10) calendar days <br />of receipt of a final invoice. <br />ht [hc event the project. or am' p113se M tl IS delayed for iea50n> beyond 5mnmit's <br />contritl, unbilled work +vill he invoiced at the standard hourly roles tier the actual <br />number of hours expended. Completed phases will he billed at fees quoted <br />hcrcin. <br />Is) Disputes: In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the desir:n or <br />constmctiat of the Project nr after cinnpletion of the Project. all claims. disputes. <br />or other moneys in question between the parties to this Agreement that arise out of <br />or relate to this Agreement or the breach thereof shat) be submitted ro nonbindin, <br />mediation before a neutral Third-part' mediator acceptable to both parties. Such <br />mediation shall be a condition precedent to the commencement of any legal action <br />arising out of this ,4greement except those Iega1 proceedings related lu Client's <br />ftilurc to pa}. <br />The mediation shall be catducted in accordance with the Construction <br />Industn' Mediation Rules of the American Arhiiratiun Association current)}' in <br />effect wtless the panics agree otherwise. The. cost of the ntedintor shall be home <br />equally by the pariics..A demand for mediation shall be made within a reasonable <br />time after the claim. dispute or other matter has arisen. In no ovens shall such <br />demand be made after the date applicable statutes of limitation or repose would <br />bar a legal or equitable action based on such claim, dispute or other matter. <br />In the event Of IltlgatiOn relating to the sufficiency ur adequacy oi' <br />perfitnnanee of services called fur by this Agreement, should Summit ohtaih a <br />judgment dismissing C'IienCs action or claim or other resolution +vherein Summit <br />is not required to ritake compensation io Client in excess o1'its final oll'cr made to <br />Client in the mediation, Summ~it shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred in <br />the defense of the claim including staff time. court costs. expert witness fens, and <br />reasonable attorneys' fees. and other claim related expenses. <br />F) Choice of Law/Venue: l"his Agreement shall be governed h} the laws of the state <br />in which the Summit atlice identified bclo++ is located. ++•ithuut regard to its la++ of <br />conflict of la+vs. Any legal action or proceeding shall he venued in the State or Federal <br />Court n+:arest the municipality in ++•hich Summit's office is located. <br />G) Statute of Limitations/Repose: Causes of action pertaining ti> this Agreement <br />shall hr deemed to hate accnred and the applicable statutes of limiuuion and repose <br />shall commence to run at the earlier of either the dart: of Substmnial Completion ul the <br />Project nr the date Sunnnit's sen'ices are >uhstantialh complete. <br />11) :~ssi;:ns: ~rithrr the client nor Summit art} delreatc.:assi~n. ~» trtmslcr his <br />duties or interest m this ;\grerment ++ithout consent of the other park. except Summit <br />ma+ in iU discretion utilirc yualiticd suhcinrsultants in the perti+rmana nl the ticnpe <br />of Sea ices. <br />I) horse >lajcurc: tienhcr pam to this :\~~rccntcnt shall he liable to thz other li,r <br />dcla}s in prrlonnirr~ the uhli~~atinns called li?r h} this :\grcanent. ur the dieter and <br />indirect costs resulting Irnm such delays. that arc caused b} labor strikes. rii»s. +car. <br />acts of government authorities. estractrdinan' +veather cunditiuns ur other natural <br />catastrophe. or ant other cause beyond the reasonable control ur contemplation of <br />either party. <br />J) \n "t"bird-Parh• Beneficiaries: Nothine in this Aareement shall create a <br />contractual relatidnship ++•ith or give am• riaM ur benefit to an}• third party. <br />K) Severabil)ty. Reformation and Survival: If any precision in this Agreement is <br />held invalid. illegal or unenforceable. the entiuceahilit} of the remaining provisions <br />;hall nut he impain+d therrh}. l'hr invalid. illegal or uncnlitrciable prirvision shall hr <br />replaced h} a mutuall} acceptable provision. ++hrch. home +alyd. Iega) and <br />enforceable, comes closest to the parties` intention underlying the in+•alid. illegal or <br />unenforceable provision. Limitations of liability. indemnities.:md other express <br />representations shat) sun~ive tcrntination of [his Agreement for any cause. <br />L) Risk :Ulocation/t..imihttion of Liability; C'licnt and Summit have discussed the <br />risks. rc+vards. and the benefit of the prgjcct and Summit's rota) fez for services. The <br />risks have hcen allocated such that the Client a_rees that to the fullest extent permitted <br />by Ia++•. Summit`s total liabilit}• to C'Iicnt and construction cuntrnctors and <br />subcontractors for rot}' and all injuries, claims. losses. expenses. damages ar claims <br />expenses arising out of this Aareement t}om any cause or causes, is limited to and <br />shall not exceed Summit's fee or $250.1)00 ++•hichever is smaller. Such causes include <br />but are nut limited to design professional's neeligcnce. negligent misrepresentation. <br />errors. omissions. strict liability and broach of contract. Nigher limits of liabiliq• are <br />available I'or a negrniated fee. <br />M) Indemnification: To the lidless extent permined by la++•. Client agrees to <br />indemnify and hold harmless Summit. its officer. directors. employees. agents. and <br />subconsultants Isom all claims. damages. injuries. liabilities, costs and expenses. <br />including reasonable atutrncys fees arising from or claimed to arise from the acts. <br />omissions. negligence. fault. breach of contract. breach of warranty. or strict liability <br />ol'Client or its employees. agents. contractor:; and subcontractors. <br />N) Conscqucntial Damages: Not++ithstandin~ an}° other provision of this :lgrecmcnt <br />and to the fullest extent permitted by la++•. neither Client our Summit shall he liable for <br />any consequential damages incurred due to the fault of the other party regardless of <br />the nature of the fault or +vhether it +vas committed by Client. Summit. their <br />emplo}ees. agents. suhccntsultants ur subcontractors. Consequential damages include. <br />but are nut limited to. loss of use and loss of profit. <br />O) Complete .Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement henveen <br />the parties hereto and supersedes all previous understandings and agreements with <br />respect to the Projcef or any of the provisions hereof tJo statement.. prmnise. <br />condition. undersumding. inducement ur representation. oral ur u•riuen. espre;ecd c+r <br />implied. which is not contained hcrcin stroll be binding ur vtdid and this Aareement <br />shall not he changed, ntodiiied or altered in any manner except by an instrument in <br />writing executed by the parties hereto. <br />By signing this :~greemcn4 you arc consenting to flit Terms and Conditions set forth herein. Plcasc main a copy for yourself and return a signed original to Summit. <br />Client Orange County Summit Consulting Engineers, PLLC <br />_ Address 100(1 Corporate Drive, Suite 101 <br />City State Hills~orouQh NC 2-7"?78 <br />r1 t <br />ISignaurrej IS nature) <br />- Don De+vev, PE - <br />iPrint Name) (Print) <br />Date Date .Aueust 3. 2087 <br />L:/Gcotechnical/Contracts/Oran~~e Counh -Construction ~"iatcrials Testing. Central Orange Senior C'rnter.duc 13 of 3) <br />