Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> Adopted by the UNRBA Board of Directors Feb. 16, 2011;Amended Nov. 20, 2013 <br /> ATTACHMENT A—DUES FORMULA <br /> A Member's dues, which shall be that Member's share of the total dues assessment for all Members <br /> which is included in the annual budget("Total Annual Dues"), shall be determined as follows: <br /> 1. Base participation rate: Ten percent of the Total Annual Dues shall be allocated equally among <br /> all Members. For example, if there are ten Members and the Total Annual Dues are <br /> $100,000.00, the base participation total will be $10,000.00 and each Member will pay $1,000.00 <br /> as its share. <br /> 2. Member's Falls Lake Watershed water demands. Fifty percent of the Total Annual Dues shall be <br /> allocated among those Members having water demand from the Falls Lake Watershed based <br /> upon each such Member's share of the total annual (365-day) daily average raw water demand <br /> for the preceding calendar year in millions of gallons per day from the Falls Lake Watershed. <br /> For example, if the Total Annual Dues are $100,000.00 and the total water demand from the <br /> Falls Lake Watershed is 100,000,000 gallons per day and Member A used 60,000,000 gallons <br /> per day for the last year for which such records are available from the North Carolina <br /> Department of Environment and Natural Resources (the "Relevant Period"), Member B used <br /> 34,000,000 gallons per day during the Relevant Period; Member C used 4,000,000 gallons per <br /> day during the Relevant Period; and Member D used 2,000,000 gallons per day during the <br /> Relevant Period, then each Member's share of the Total Annual Dues based upon water demand <br /> would be as follows: Member A: $30,000.00; Member B: $17,000.00; Member C: $2,000.00; <br /> and Member D: $1, 000.00. <br /> 3. Member's Proportion of Land Area in Falls Lake Watershed. Forty percent of the Total Annual <br /> Dues shall be allocated among those Members with land area in the Falls Lake Watershed within <br /> their corporate limits (for a municipality) or county limits (for a county). Each jurisdiction's <br /> contribution shall be based upon a fraction having as its numerator that jurisdiction's total <br /> acreage within the Falls Lake Watershed and as its denominator the total acreage in the Falls <br /> Lake Watershed. For example, if the Total Annual Dues are $100,000.00 and Member A has <br /> 72,000 acres in the Falls Lake Watershed and there are a total of 494,000 acres in the Falls Lake <br /> Watershed, then that Member's share of the Total Annual Dues based upon proportion of land <br /> area in the Falls Lake Watershed would be as follows: $5,829.96 [(72,000/494,000) * (.40 <br /> $100,000.00) _ $5,829.96]. <br /> The examples above are given for the purpose of illustration only and are not intended to be indicative <br /> of the Total Annual Dues that may be required or of any individual Member's level of contribution. <br /> Members' contributions will be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. <br /> 12 <br />