Agenda - 12-15-2015 - 7a - Unified Animal Control Ordinance
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-15-2015 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 12-15-2015 - 7a - Unified Animal Control Ordinance
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Last modified
12/11/2015 9:39:13 AM
Creation date
12/10/2015 4:52:48 PM
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Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 12-15-2015
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20 <br /> Animal Control Ordinance <br /> of such repeal, be those referred to in said law or laws immediately prior to such <br /> repeal. <br /> j. It shall be unlawful for any person to abandon or forsake any animal within the <br /> County. <br /> k. It shall be unlawful for any person to restrain a dog using a chain,wire or other <br /> type of tethering device in a manner prohibited by this subsection. Does not <br /> apply in Chapel Hill or Carrboro) <br /> (1) No person shall tether, fasten,chain, tie, or restrain a dog, or cause such <br /> restraining of a dog, to a tree, fence, post, dog house, or other stationary object <br /> for more than a total of three hours in a 24-hour period. During periods of <br /> tethering that are not unlawful under this subsection, any tethering device used <br /> shall be at least ten feet in length and attached in such manner as to prevent <br /> strangulation or other physical harm to the dog and entanglement with objects. <br /> In no event shall the time limitations established by this subsection 4-41(k)(1) <br /> & (2)below be added together to allow for tethering, fastening, chaining, <br /> tying, or restraining to either a stationary object or to a cable trolley system <br /> for more than a total of three hours in a 24-hour period. <br /> (2) No person shall tether, fasten, chain, tie, or restrain a dog, or cause such <br /> restraining of a dog, to a cable trolley system, that allows movement of the <br /> restraining device, for more than a total of three hours in a 24-hour period. <br /> During periods of tethering that are not unlawful under this subsection, the <br /> length of the cable along which the tethering device can move must be at least <br /> ten feet, and the tethering device must be of such length that the dog is able to <br /> move ten feet away from the cable perpendicularly and attached in such a <br /> manner as to prevent strangulation or other physical harm to the dog and <br /> entanglement with objects. <br /> (3) No person shall tether a dog with a chain or wire or other device to, or cause <br /> such attachment to, any collar other than a buckle type collar or body harness. <br /> (4) No person shall tether with a chain or wire or other device to, or cause such <br /> attachment to, a head harness, choke-type collar or pronged collar to a dog. <br /> (5) No person shall tether with a chain, wire or other device to a dog where the <br /> weight of the tethering device and the collar combined exceeds ten percent of <br /> the dog's body weight. <br /> (6) No person shall tether with a chain or wire or other device a dog in such <br /> manner that does not allow the dog access to adequate food,water, and <br /> shelter. <br /> DRAFTv.9 - 12/10/2015 Proposed Unified Animal Control Ordinance Page 16 <br />
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