Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> Animal Control Ordinance <br /> or under restraint, it shall additionally be unlawful to deprive or cause to be <br /> deprived any such animal of adequate shelter or veterinary care. <br /> b. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale,barter or give away <br /> within the County baby chickens,baby ducklings or other fowl under six weeks of <br /> age or rabbits under eight weeks of age as pets, toys, premiums or novelties; <br /> provided,however, that this section shall not be construed to prohibit the sale or <br /> display of such baby chickens, ducklings or other fowl or such rabbits in proper <br /> facilities with adequate food,water, and shelter, by breeders or stores engaged in <br /> the business of selling the animals for purposes other than as pets or novelties. <br /> C. It shall be unlawful to color, dye, stain or otherwise change the natural color of <br /> baby chickens or other fowl or rabbits. <br /> d. It shall be unlawful for any person to tether any fowl. <br /> e. It shall be unlawful to restrain any animal except in a humane fashion as set forth <br /> in Section 4-37 above and Section 4-41 below. (Does not apply to Chapel Hill and <br /> Carrboro <br /> f. It shall be unlawful for any person to entice or lure any animal out of an enclosure <br /> or off the property of its owner or keeper, or to seize,molest or tease any animal <br /> while the animal is held or controlled by its owner or keeper or while the animal <br /> is on or off the property of its owner or keeper, except a stray animal may be <br /> seized when train to o capture it. <br /> g. It shall be unlawful to possess any paraphernalia related to dog, cock or other <br /> animal fighting, ineltiding, btit not lifnited to, gags. with the intent that the <br /> paraphernalia be used to train or feature in an exhibition the baiting of f dog cock <br /> or other animal or the fighting of a dog, cock or other animal with another dog, <br /> cock or other animal. <br /> h. It shall be unlawful for any person to transport an animal in the closed trunk of a <br /> vehicle, or closed compartment on a vehicle or trailer when the ambient <br /> temperature in the vicinity of the vehicle or trailer is greater than or equal to 70 <br /> degrees F. <br /> i. It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any of the acts made unlawful under <br /> the provisions of North Carolina General Statutes §§ 14-360 and 14-362, as the <br /> same relate to a dog or dogs, or to commit any other act made unlawful by any <br /> other law of the State of North Carolina relating to animal fighting or animal <br /> baiting. The repeal of such law or laws of the State of North Carolina shall have <br /> no effect upon this Section, and the acts herein made unlawful shall, in the event <br /> DRAFTv.9 - 12/10/2015 Proposed Unified Animal Control Ordinance Page 15 <br />