Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> 1 Done properly, we believe this segment of the MST would have no significant adverse <br /> 2 impact to the water quality on Cane Creek Reservoir. <br /> 3 We believe this is a rare opportunity for the residents of this area of Orange County to <br /> 4 work together to be part of a positive legacy for generations to come." <br /> 5 1 have found that there is strong support within the Thunder Mountain community and <br /> 6 nearby for a segment of the MST to pass through the OWASA property on the north side of the <br /> 7 reservoir but all of our neighbors want to make sure that the private roads serving our <br /> 8 neighborhoods are not used as public access and parking areas for the trail. <br /> 9 1 believe these caveats of support are reasonable and can be accomplished as the county and <br /> 10 OWASA move forward on this legacy for future generations. <br /> 11 Thank you for the opportunity to come before you tonight to share my thoughts and <br /> 12 support for the Mountains to Sea Trail. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Charles Gregory Smith <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Scott Zimmerman said he is here in support of the MST trail. He said he is here to get <br /> 17 this trail on the ground in Orange County. He urged the Board of County Commissioners to <br /> 18 approve this portion of the trail in Orange County as surrounding counties are doing. He <br /> 19 contacted OWASA and this communication is in the email packet. He said he understands that <br /> 20 OWASA is ready to act when the County is ready to act. He asked again for the Board of <br /> 21 County Commissioners to support and build this segment of the trail. <br /> 22 Howard Lee said he is here in support of the MST, and if one gets connected to this trail <br /> 23 one will never let it go. He said he is pleased and proud that this trail has lasted the test of <br /> 24 time. He said this trail would be an asset to North Carolina. He said he has walked segments <br /> 25 of the trail, and it is both beautiful and satisfying. He said he knows the Board of County <br /> 26 Commissioners has always supported the preservation of the environment and the promotion of <br /> 27 parks and trails. He said this would be one of the greatest investments Orange County could <br /> 28 make. <br /> 29 Glen Greenstreet said he wants to reiterate to the BOCC that the citizens of Orange <br /> 30 County are still very much in support of the MST. He encouraged the BOCC to move forward <br /> 31 with the pieces of trail that can be built immediately and to seek partnership with the volunteer <br /> 32 citizens of the County. <br /> 33 Bonnie Hauser said she would like to thank the Thunder Mountain community for their <br /> 34 support. <br /> 35 Commissioner Price said there is currently $500,000 in 2019 in the Capital Investment <br /> 36 Plan (CIP) for this park. She asked if there would be any impact in moving some funds up to be <br /> 37 used at an earlier time. <br /> 38 David Stancil said that is part of the CIP discussion and the funds, mentioned by <br /> 39 Commissioner Price, are designated for construction. He said this item has not been off the <br /> 40 radar and funding needs to be reassessed considering options such as volunteer construction. <br /> 41 He said such options could be explored and an updated report brought back to the Board at a <br /> 42 later date. <br /> 43 Commissioner Pelissier said to those that submitted the petitions that the item will be <br /> 44 sent to agenda review process to review and to respond. <br /> 45 Commissioner Pelissier said her property is part of the proposed trail and she wants the <br /> 46 MST in her backyard. She thanked the citizens who came to speak this evening. <br /> 47 Commissioner Burroughs referred to the State bond and asked if it is likely that local <br /> 48 money would need to be leveraged in order to receive the State money. <br /> 49 Carol Tingley said previous bond monies were used to purchase adjacent properties to <br /> 50 the trail to allow it to be furthered by local entities. She said she anticipates a similar scenario <br />