Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> 1 Winston-Salem 30 miles <br /> 2 Haw River Trail 35 miles <br /> 3 Southwest Orange County 19 miles <br /> 4 Eno River 26 miles <br /> 5 Wayne County 39 miles <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Near Term Priority Segments (map) <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Orange County Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2030 <br /> 10 The greatest interest for both programs and facilities was for walking/hiking/biking trails. <br /> 11 Recommendations of the master plan included: <br /> 12 Develop a master plan for the Orange County segment of the MST <br /> 13 Build more trails and connect open spaces <br /> 14 Improve access to parks and trails, and incorporate healthy lifestyles design <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Mountains to Sea State Trail (photo) <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Thank you <br /> 19 State Trails = Partnerships <br /> 20 State Trails Program <br /> 21 For additional information, please visit: <br /> 22 <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Carol Tingley, North Carolina State Parks Deputy Director, referred to the Connect NC <br /> 25 Bond. She said this is a $2 billion proposal that will go before the voters in March 2016. She <br /> 26 said $75 million of these monies will be allocated to the State Parks systems and from that $4 <br /> 27 million will go to the Mountains to Sea Trail. She said the bond money would be for land <br /> 28 acquisition and to target money for usable sections of the trail. <br /> 29 Chair McKee asked if there is a website for further information. <br /> 30 She said there is a link on both the Governor's and the State Parks' website. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> 33 Alan Green said he is representing a group of local Friends of the MST members that <br /> 34 collectively authored the letter included in the Commissioners' packets. He said the petition <br /> 35 identifies several specific steps needed to make segment 11 of the MST a reality. He said <br /> 36 direct action by the Commissioners is necessary. He said the original State master plan did not <br /> 37 have segment 11 as short term but as long term. He thanked the Board of County <br /> 38 Commissioners for their letter to the State to reevaluate this project and noted Orange County <br /> 39 is now near term. He said the County needs to be proactive. He said their petition provides a <br /> 40 blueprint and he asked the Board to adopt it from the local Friends of the MST group. <br /> 41 Greg Smith read the following letter, which he sent to the Commissioners: <br /> 42 <br /> 43 17 November 2015 Presentation to the BOCC <br /> 44 Charles Gregory Smith, 6701 Thunder Mountain, Efland NC 27243 <br /> 45 <br /> 46 Good evening, Mr. Chairman and Commissioners <br /> 47 <br /> 48 My name is Greg Smith and I am a cosigner of the letter and petition you have received. <br /> 49 My wife, Linda, and I have lived in Orange County since 1974 and have been residents of the <br /> 50 Thunder Mountain Subdivision in Bingham Township for over three decades. During that time <br />