Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> Consolidated Plan Orange County HOME Consortium, NC <br /> Annual Action Plan Update FY 2016-2017 <br /> The Orange County, North Carolina, HOME Consortium is an entitlement community under the <br /> U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development's (HUD) HOME Investment Partnerships <br /> Program (HOME). Under the HOME Program, local governments are able to join together to form <br /> a consortium in order to receive HOME funding for affordable housing.The Orange County HOME <br /> Consortium is made up of four members: Orange County, the Town of Carrboro, the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill, and the Town of Hillsborough.The Town of Chapel Hill also receives federal <br /> Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)funding each year. Orange County is the <br /> Participating Jurisdiction (PJ)for the HOME Consortium. <br /> The primary purpose of the HOME Program is to increase the supply of affordable housing. <br /> Participating jurisdictions have the opportunity to identify and choose the housing activities that <br /> best meet local housing needs.To ensure HOME assisted housing increases the supply of <br /> affordable housing, an affordability period on assisted properties and income limits are required <br /> for eligible households. <br /> The Federal Fiscal Year begins October 1st and ends September 30th of each year.The Orange <br /> County Fiscal Year begins July 1st and ends June 30th of each year. <br /> The Five Year Consolidated Plan is FFY 2015-2020 as required by HUD to receive HOME funding. <br /> Orange County is also the lead entity in the preparation and submission of the Five Year <br /> Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans for each of the five years, a federal HOME and CDBG <br /> requirement to receive funding under the Programs.The Orange County HOME Consortium is receiving <br /> $311,832 from HOME funds for the FFY 2015program year.This is a reduction from $351,540 in FFY <br /> 2014 and a substantial reduction from$728,277 in FFY 2010, the start of the previous five year planning <br /> period. <br />